Happy National Self Esteem Day!

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*Sighs Happily And Smiles Hugely* Guys.......... It's here! It's FINALLY HERE! The Day that I have been waiting for EVER SINCE MARCH!!!!!!!!!! Today is Officially July 5th! A Day I like to call, "National BONUS Self Awareness Day"! And I'm sure you're asking "Since when was there ever a National Self Esteem Day?". Well, I'm officially Nicknaming July 5th as "National Self Esteem Day" Because On This Day 13 Years Ago, One Of My FAVOURITE Childhood Movies that I still Love and Cherish HEAVILY to this Day came out! In North American Theaters! Thomas And Friends The Great Discovery! The Last Ever Thomas Movie Or Thomas Thing In GENERAL To Use Models, before switching to CGI later that Year. 13 Years Later, I still LOVE This Movie for MANY MANY MANY Reasons! The Story is Fantastic, The Characters are Amazing, not to mention that this Movie is FILLED TO THE BRIM with Characters! The Sets are BEAUTIFUL! And that's only THE BEGINNING of all of the AMAZING Things there is to Love about this Movie! But one VERY IMPORTANT Element of this Movie that has made me Gain AN EVEN BIGGER Appreciation to it in The Past Year Is It's Moral : You're Important No Matter What. In The Movie, Sodor Day is almost occuring while Thomas Accidentally Discovers A Long Lost City Named Great Waterton. When he tells everyone about His Great Discovery, Everyone works as hard as they can to Rebuild it for Sodor Day and Sir Topham Hatt puts Thomas In Charge Of Everything. Thomas has the time of his Life and feels like The King Of The World during his time in charge of Everything, but everything goes wrong for him when Sir Topham Hatt brings Stanley to The Island. A Stronger Engine than him. Everyone is Impressed by Stanley's Independence and Praises him Heavily and Hangs out with him. After Thomas has an Accident, Sir Topham Hatt puts Stanley in charge of everything and making HIM The King Of The World instead of Thomas. After Thomas is Exposed to all of his Sudden Lack Of Care, he gets Jealous And Depressed after Stanley Stole His Entire World. After His World was taken by Stanley, Thomas tries to make Stanley Look Weak And Foolish, and Tries to put Himself Back In Charge, By Giving Stanley too much Trucks To Pull Up A Hill, And Stanley ends up Losing The Trucks, And The Trucks Crash Into The City Tower. But Instead of Making People want him back, everyone was really Mad at him For Destroying The City Tower, and he thinks Everyone Hates Him and Doesn't Love Him anymore. After thinking nobody wants him around anymore, Thomas Runs Away and Ends Up Going On A Ride Through Morgan's Mine For A Few Days. But after Thomas goes missing, everyone gets really worried and sad about him being gone and everyone is Desperate to find Him! And when Thomas finally got out of The Mine, Stanley found him and when everyone found out Thomas was found, everyone was very Happy to have him back. At The End Of The Movie, Sodor Day is finally here and everyone is Having Fun, Celebrating at Great Waterton. And that's when Thomas learns that everyone is The King Of The World and everyone is Important and Valid No Matter What. Especially Him. And That is one of THE BEST MESSAGES A Movie could EVER DELIVER!!!!!!!!!! At this point, I'm sure you all know how Severe my Jealousy and Depression are, and I get Jealous and Depressed REALLY EASILY. Times where I definitely get Jealous and Depressed and Worthless feeling The Most is when my Friends get so much Praise about how Awesome they are, or about certain feats they can do that I can't. But of course, no matter how many times I feel this way, Every Single Time I do, I end up learning that I AM a Wonderful and Valid Person and DO mean everything to everyone who knows and Loves me. I think about The Great Discovery every time I feel Jealous and Depressed because it helps my Mental Health SO MUCH! It always makes me feel good about myself no matter what Situation I'm in! And THAT is why I Like To Call July 5th, The Day Thomas And Friends The Great Discovery Came Out On, National Self Esteem Day! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

 I think about The Great Discovery every time I feel Jealous and Depressed because it helps my Mental Health SO MUCH! It always makes me feel good about myself no matter what Situation I'm in! And THAT is why I Like To Call July 5th, The Day Thoma...

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