Comforting LiyFan69

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Hello everyone. Today's drawing is a present for one of my closest friends on this website, LiyFan69. I promised her this picture a whole month ago on October 12th that I would make it on October 18th, but since I am officially the laziest person on Earth, I am publishing it today on November 13th. So I'm sorry that you had to wait a whole month for this, LiyFan69. I hope this was worth your wait.

Now the reason I made this drawing was because of how Twitter was affecting her life. She herself thankfully wasn't attacked by anyone, but she was APPALLED After taking a look into all the shady sh*t the OSC Did on Twitter, so much so as to say it Affected Her Mental Health. So I just feel REALLY REALLY Bad for her. I could only IMAGINE How Horrifying it was for her to see all that stuff she was looking at. So I told her that I would make a Drawing where I comfort her to cheer her up, so I asked her if she was an Object, what would she be? And she said that she would be an Error Icon, and I also decided to include Dumbsville in the Drawing as well because he as well has had an unhealthy past with Twitter. Dumbsville is a Commentary YouTuber and he is one of my all time FAVOURITES On the site! He's funny, he's really smart, and he isn't afraid to call people out when they're acting like Idiots! He represents himself as a Lego Minifigure of Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars Movies, so in the end, I just drew a picture of me and Error Icon Hugging and Dumbsville just hanging out with us and agreeing how INSANELY TOXIC Twitter is! So LiyFan69 I hope this was worth your wait. 

Lmao, Dumbsville looks really sunburnt! XD The reason for this is because I accidentally used a Marker that looked like a Peach Colour, but it turns out it was just a Pinkish Peach Colour

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Lmao, Dumbsville looks really sunburnt! XD The reason for this is because I accidentally used a Marker that looked like a Peach Colour, but it turns out it was just a Pinkish Peach Colour. XD I made him a lot more Vibrant in this picture! XD And there are me and Error Icon Hugging each other because Error Icon/LiyFan69 Deserves Hugs. Come on everyone! Give her all your Hugs! She needs them! <3

So my friends, that is going to wrap up today's Drawing. I am publishing this from the bottom of my Heart because of how bad I feel for LiyFan69 as she does NOT Deserve to feel this way, and I hope she's feeling a lot better now because it's been a while so I hope everything is going okay for her. So everybody that is going to be it for today, The BBBOF Pictures are coming very very very soon, and The Birthday Special is coming in only 9 Days! That's right I'm gonna be 15 in 9 Days! So look forward to three Drawings being posted in the next 9 Days, but until then, I'll see you guys next time! Bye! Love You All! :) :D <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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