9/11 : 21st Anniversary

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"Today our Nation saw evil... The very worst of human nature..."

- United States President George W. Bush : September 11th 2001

Hello my friends. Welcome back to my Art Book. Today is very very very special and important to all of us. Today is The 21st Anniversary Of The September 11th Terrorist Attacks in United States. A day the whole world will remember forever. On this day, 21 years ago, on the morning of September 11th 2001, 4 American Planes were hijacked by members of The Alqaeda Terrorist Group lead by Osama Bin Laden. The first two Planes crashed into The Twin Towers in New York City, making them collapse within minutes, the third Plane crashed into The Pentagon Building, and the 4th Plane was aiming for The Whitehouse in Washington, but passengers on the Plane learned about the hijacking terrorists on their mobile phones and they were able to overpower the hijackers who were aiming for The Whitehouse that day, but the Plane crashed into a field near Shanksville. 2,996 lives were lost that day and it was a devistating loss that shocked the whole world that terrible day. The reason why Osama Bin Laden and The Alqaeda Terrorists committed these horrible acts were because Osama Bin Laden hated America's financial contributions to The Saudi Royal Family as well as American military intervention in The Arab World, a group of 22 countries in The Middle East. These motivations were revealed in Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" in November 20002. He said that Alqaeda's motives for the attacks included Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian  oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, condoning the 1982 massacres in Lebanon, the presence of US Troops in Saudi Arabia The US supportins Israel, and sanctions against Iraq. This tragic day is what made Osama Bin Laden The 2nd Worst Human In History right behind Adolf Hitler and it's also the reason why The United States has had so many wars with several countries in The Middle East, especially Alqaeda's Country, Pakistan. Thankfully, he was shot and killed 9 years later on May 2nd 2011 by US Navy Seal, Rob O'Neill, but unfortunately, nothing can bring back those thousands of people who undeservingly met their ends that fateful day. Which brings us to where we are 21 years later. This Earth Shattering Day has never left us and we will always remember it and those thousands of people we still miss dearly. And what's even worse is that people use 9/11 as an excuse to be racist. Since Alqaeda is an Islamic Terrorist Group, many Muslims have been persecuted over the last 21 years and that is not acceptable. Just because Alqaeda Terrorists are Islamic doesn't mean every Muslim is a terrorist, so they shouldn't have to be persecuted. In fact, The 9/11 Terrorists were NOT TRULY Islamic. If they were, they wouldn't have done what they did 21 years ago, so I refuse to believe The 9/11 Terrorists were truly Islamic. But my Heart goes out to all those poor victims and all those people who lost their Loved ones that day and all those Muslims who have been persecuted as a result. I am terribly sorry for what happened 21 years ago and I really wish I could do something to make them come back. I am lucky enough to have never lost any Loved ones that day, but I can't imagine how hard it is for the people who have and my condolences are at their biggest for you... We will never forget this day that hugely changed our world... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠💈💈💈💈💈💈💈💈💈💈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩🛩2⃣0⃣

If you remember last year, I did a Snow Globe X Casey Drawing for 9/11's 20th Anniversary because the song I associate with them, "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve was used in a 9/11 Tribute by a YouTuber named Mr.PoopMeister. Because of that, I head canon Snow Globe and Casey are very passionate about 9/11 and they will stop at nothing to honor and support the people who lost their lives that day and anyone who knew them. I also head canon they hang out with one of my OC's I created a while ago, Quran. I learned in my World Religions Class last year that The Quran is The Islamic version of The Bible and I thought it would be cool to create an Islamic OC, so I did and his name is Quran! I will draw him soon, but I head canon Snow Globe and Casey love to hang out with him and comfort him whenever he is persecuted. As for his personality, he's a bit naive and childish, but he is nice and mature sometimes. He's very easy going and passionate about his Religion. I based him off of Shamrock from Object Mayhem since they're both friendly, naive, and passionate about their origins. We'll cover that stuff another day though, because now it's time to reveal my Drawing. Last year, I drew Snow Globe and Casey holding American Flags, and this year, I drew them next to The Twin Towers which would definitely still be here if they weren't destroyed that day. Here is my Picture for 9/11's 20th Anniversary. 

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