My 4 Drawings Of Grey Hexagon

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Hello Guys. We are only 1 More Chapter Away from This Book's 100TH CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!! And only 1 more Day away from this Book's 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 That is INSANELY AWESOME AND EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! I obviously want This Book's 100th Chapter to be on This Book's 1 Year Anniversary because it'll obviously be a PERFECT Combination! So for my 99th Chapter, I Drew 4 Pictures of Grey Hexagon. My 5th Favourite Character from The Highly Underrated Show I've been showing Huge Love to recently, Shape Battle by PDDRMANIMATIONPRO AKA Pearce F. It's a very Underrated and Mysterious Object Show that not very many people know about and! It's arguably The Most Mysterious Object Show ever made, as there's very little known about it! It has a VERY Interesting Backstory that I would LOVE to tell about it! So for those who have no idea what Shape Battle or who Pearce is, here is a Full Backstory about what's arguably known as The Most Mysterious Object Show of all time!

On August 9th 2012, Pearce started a YouTube Channel named PDDRMANIMATIONPRO And his First Video was a Trailer for his Upcoming Show known as "Shape Battle" A Show that featured 17 Contestants Battling for a Prize of a 1 Million Dollar Bill. The First Episode Aired on November 13th 2012 and ran for a total of 1 Year, 7 Months And 26 Days with it's Last Episode Airing on July 9th 2014. But then Pearce brought the show to a Running Hault as The Last Video he ever Uploaded was on November 9th 2014, which was an Animation Test Featuring Grey Hexagon as he was one of his Favourite Characters as well as his Profile Picture, which we'll cover again later on! But that was the last Video he ever Posted on YouTube. It turns out that he stopped Posting Videos after November 9th 2014 due to being Sick, but he was still very active on his DeviantArt Account and was actually very open about upcoming projects he was working on, such as Shape Battle Episode 5. From July to September of 2014, Pearce Posted Several Screen Shots of The Upcoming Episode on DeviantArt, but he ended up scrapping The Episode and The Show Entirely. As he said on January 16th 2015 (The Day before my AWESOME Friend Lol_the_lol joined Wattpad! XDDDDDDDDDD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) That he was planning to Reboot The Show and give it the name "Shapes Vs. Materials". He released a few Screen Shots of Bottle Cap in The 1st Episode which was gonna be called "Shape It Up" But Pearce disappeared from The General Public again not long after he Announced that he was Cancelling Shape Battle and planning to Reboot it. Since he Closed his DeviantArt Account later that Year. After closing down his DeviantArt Account, no other traces of him Online where ever found for 2 Years! At least that's what The OSC Originally THOUGHT, and I will explain why I'm saying that later, but He Almost Completely Disappeared Online for 2 Years before finally coming back to YouTube in April 2017, but he did not come back to make Videos.......... He actually came back to Close down his Channel and Delete all of his Videos.......... But before he Closed Down his Channel for good, he left a Comment on Thast Video he Uploaded on November 9th 2014 saying, and I quote : "Hello, everyone. This is just a comment (or announcement) to make all of you fully aware that Shape Battle is officially cancelled. I thought about this for a long time and I've also lost motivation in animation. I also apologize if this may bring surprise to a lot of people, by the way. I hope you understand and thank you for reading." And after making that Comment, he Closed Down his Channel and Deleted all of his Videos. Reuploads of Shape Battle still exist and You can still access his Channel by Clicking on Links to his Channel on Reuploads of Shape Battle from TheGraveyardOfYouTube. I'll leave a Link to his Channel just in case you wanna stop by and say a Prayer for it.

However! Just as I thought that Pearce was completely gone forever from The Internet and his Online Career was nothing but a Piece of History, I actually Discovered something INCREDIBLE THIS YEAR that I don't think very much people have! I found out on a 2016 Birthday Gift for Pearce on DeviantArt by a User named UltraJacob2016, THAT PEARCE ACTUALLY HAS A NEW DEVIANTART ACCOUNT NAMED AllegroTheMolto!!!!!!!!!! I COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I HAD DISCOVERED!!!!!!!!!! One of The Most Little-Information-Known-About-Them OSC Members who I along with many other people thought were gone forever, IS STILL SOCIAL ONLINE!!!!!!!!!! However though, even though Pearce is Miracally still Online after all these Years of Wondering where he's been, he hasn't unfortunately bene very Active on DeviantArt, with his Last Drawing Published on April 20th 2018, His Last Reply to a Comment being on May 27th 2018, and his Last Announcement he made on DeviantArt was on April 29th 2019. And he has never done anything on DeviantArt sense.......... At least to my knowledge. However though, during this Remarkable Comeback, we actually got to Learn 2 Very Important things about Pearce! None of them are about Shape Battle though, but we did Learn 2 Very Important things about him as a Person. The first thing we were able to Learn about was he was feeling a lot better than he was in the previous Years before 2018. He stated that in October of 2015 he was really Depressed because he was having a really hard time going through School and Collage and he was also having some really Terrible Memories of his Previous School Years before, which he did not want to reveal. That was one of the many reasons why he wasn't very active. He also revealed that another reason why he wasn't very Active was because he was really Busy, and didn't have much Motivation to Draw. The Last thing that he ever admitted about himself before another 2 Year Disappearance from him is that he actually did not have Pnemonia. At some time I'm not certain of, Pearce was told that he had Pnemonia and he was really worried about it, but he later found out that The Information His Doctor gave to him was wrong, and he only had a Chest Infection. And that was the last time Pearce was Active Online. It's been 2 Years since his 4th Disappearence Online and I still have TONS UPON TONS of Questions for him because like I said, he is The Most Mysterious OSC Member I've ever known about and very little is known about him. The first question that I have for him is why is he not doing any sort of Art or even talking about Shape Battle or Shapes Vs. Materials in his New Account. One possible Theory I have for him not being very opened about his older Creation is because he wants to forget about it and leave it behind. Shape Battle is a Rather Desvisive Object Show where you have people who like and Dislike the Show and after listening to those Peoples's Critiscms, Pearce probably agreed with them and did not want to Associate it with his Online Life anymore. But that's only a Theory from me. We still have no idea why Pearce has completely Stripped Shape Battle from his Online Career. Of course, the questions that every Shape Battle Fan would have for him would be about Shape Battle itself. What was left of Shape Battle Episode 5? What was left of Shapes Vs. Materials Episode 1? During The 6 Month Window between July 2014 and January 2015 when Pearce was giving us small Leaks about These Episodes, we didn't get too much information before he suddenly Disappeared later that Year and he still hasn't given us anymore Information about them since. Like I said, it could be because Pearce doesn't wanna Associate his Online Life with Shape Battle anymore, but at the same time, there have been Fans of the Show who have been wondering what will happen in those Episodes for more than Half A Decade! Who won The Prize in Episode 5? Who got Eliminated in Episode 5? What was The Challenge gonna be in Episode 5? Who was gonna be up for Elimination in Episode 5? Who will The Characters Be in Episode 1? What will The Challenge be in Episode 1? Will there be be Teams in Episode 1? What was The Transcript for Episode 1? All of these questions we have wondered for 6 whole Years but we haven't gotten any answers from Pearce about them, nor have we gotten any Answers from Pearce about why he has completely removed Shape Battle from his Online Career. Now the last and most important questions I have on the other hand, has actually gotten some Answers thanks to Pearce's New DeviantArt Account. And those are "What has Pearce been doing during sudden Absences? And where does he see his life going in the future and if he wants it to go there or not? During his short Comeback on DeviantArt, we were able to learn that Pearce is feeling much better than he was in the Years during his Absence, but he's still quite busy with his Life and he still doesn't have the Motivation he used to. And that's really all we've learned about Pearce in the modern day so far. The Best thing we can say about all of this is that we at least know he's alive and well and he's still hoping to have a good time online, but at the same time, we still have MANY More Questions for him that we still haven't gotten an answer to yet. We still have a lot to Discover about Pearce and I'm Hoping that one day.......... He actually does come back and be A LOT more Social and Answer ALL of the Questions we've had for him in the past 6 Years that we can FINALLY Check off our Minds! I promise that all of our questions for him will be answered, and he will come back more brighter than ever FOR GOOD one day Ladies and Gentleman! Pearce F. is without a doubt the most mysterious person in The OSC and even though we've known him for almost 9 Years, we still have SO MUCH more to discover and learn about him! Even though we've known him for almost a Decade.......... Our Internet Lives with Pearce F. is only JUST BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

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