Happy Halloween!

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Hello there everybody! Happy Halloween! Welcome back to my Art Book! And today is obviously the Halloween Special! So I'd like to know, how is everybody's Halloween? Mine was AWESOME!!! I had a few family friends over, I went Trick-Or-Treating as Darth Vader from Star Wars and got lots of Candy, and now I'm just chilling at home with everybody, and I'm gonna watch some Horror Movies later on, but let's get staging to our Halloween Special! And here it is!

Hello there everybody! Happy Halloween! Welcome back to my Art Book! And today is obviously the Halloween Special! So I'd like to know, how is everybody's Halloween? Mine was AWESOME!!! I had a few family friends over, I went Trick-Or-Treating as ...

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Skittle X Flash Drive!!! 😈👿👹👺💀☠🕷🕸👻🎃🍫🍭🍬🍡

Awww! Lol! Now I know what you guys are asking. Noel, what do Skittle and Flash Drive from, Object Terror have to do with Halloween? Well the reason I chose to Draw them this year is because in my OT Headcanon, they Fell In Love on Halloween.

On October 31st 2019, Skittle was waiting to go Trick-Or-Treating, so she sat next to Flash Drive on a Bench, and Flash Drive wasn't really a social person, so they didn't talk very much, but as they sat down and enjoyed the Beautiful Fall Nature, They Fell In Love. Skittle thought Flash Drive was so Handsome and Smart, and Flash Drive thought Skittle was so Cute, Adorable, Pretty, Beautiful and Gorgeous. Everything seemed to be going fine until Trowel and Beer jumped out of a nearby bush dressed up like Jason Vorhees from Friday The 13th and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and they had a KNIFE and CHAINSAW Scaring the two away. But later, Skittle found out that Flash a drive was actually LOOKING For her because he was worried and cared about her. And shortly afterwards , they confessed their feelings to each other and started Dating! And that is the story of how Skittle and Flash Drive from Object Terror Fell In Love!

Awww! #SkittleDrive4Ever!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

So yeah guys, that is pretty much gonna wrap up today's Halloween Special! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Halloween because Halloween is one of my absolute FAVOURITE Days of the year! I ALWAYS Have so much fun on this day! And I hope you all too because I Love you all! So that'll be it for today, and I'll see you guys later! Bye! Love You All! :) :D <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! 😈👿👹👺💀☠🕷🕸👻🎃🍭🍫🍬🍡

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