Chapter 3: Secrets Have A Cost

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Chapter 3.

Secrets Have a Cost

The cold crisp air brushed across my bare back as I stared down the darkened figure that stood still in front of me. "I have told you everything and I still don't know what you are talking about." Bewildered, I could not see what the figure was talking about or who this mysterious figure was. I began to get annoyed with the things that I did not know the answers to.

Its face was warped into a sinister grin that had a touch of anger on it. "I don't care, Elyishiyia. You have the blood of royalty in your veins. It is the ice blood of Neptune. You must see the divine in this. There is a legend about you that I will strive to prevent from coming true and you can do nothing to stop me." It looked as if the figure was trying to confuse me with someone else. They were doing a terrible job of it.

I was beginning to get annoyed with the fact that this figure could not take a hint and take no for an answer. Sounds like someone else I know. It was starting to bug me deeply. "That does not mean that I am of royalty or that I am from Neptune." This figure was probably going off their meds because all of this crazy talk was beginning to look fishy.

The figure began to step closer to me as I started back away slowly as to not break out into an all-out sprint. "You still don't get it, don't you? It is who you are inside and out." When the figure stepped into the light that was on me, I could see the darkness within its eyes.

Feeling my heart pound harshly against my ribcage, my breathing became staggered. "I don't want this life. I never have. I refuse to accept this. I won't risk the people that I love for a life that I never got the chance to live to the fullest." Eventually, it became too hard to breath that I clutched my throat with my hands, falling on my knees to the solid, frigid ground beneath me.

The figure knelt in front of me and brought their hand under my chin to raise up my head so that they could look into my exhausted eyes with their own. "It is not your choice, Elyishiyia. In this life, you have no choices. You will be the cause of so much death and destruction. You can't change what has been foretold." The last of their words echoed through the air and disappeared before entering my ears.

I gasped, taking in the sweet-scented air of my bedroom and woke with the sight of my alarm clock right in front of me. The clock said 8:30 in the morning. After I reached over and turned the alarm off with a slight touch of annoyance, I sighed and leaned back on my body pillow, pulling a throw blanket over my chest. Then, I sat up and saw that my left arm returned to its original skin tone color completely. I brought my right hand up to my arm and lightly stroked the skin, seeing if the scales really did disappear or if I was just seeing what I wanted to see.

When I had informed Sam of the strange things that were happening to me, it happened again. I heard my dad downstairs turning the pages of the daily newspaper. I also heard my mother breathing softly while she slept in a room across the long hallway outside. I should not be able to hear these things with my door completely shut. I just took a deep breath and forgot about it. I was sweating, and my heart was beating faster and faster. My phone vibrated on my nightstand that was at the end of my bed. It was Sam telling me good morning. I could not explain this to him right now. How would I start that conversation and where would it lead to?

It had been a while since I had hung out at the park with Sam. I rarely hung out with him outside of school grounds. But this time it was completely different. There were things that needed to be clarified. He never did that until today, text me good morning I mean. I was questioning myself on why he was starting to do that. I still had three hours until I was supposed to meet him at the park; three more hours of hell. I slid out from the covers and walked over to my window to open the thick, dark colored curtains. The birds were chirping happy tunes that helped me feel more relaxed instead of being terrified out of my helpless mind. The sun's rays shined in my room after the curtains were opened. My eyes started to hurt as the light from the sun hit my face with extreme intensity. Every time I blinked, I could see several black dots and lines everywhere I looked. The light was too bright for my sleepy eyes.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now