Chapter 10: Knowing the Unknown

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Chapter 10.

Knowing the Unknown

After seeing those strange people, it had me wondering about something from my long-lost past. Who are they and how do they know me? The only living things that knew my real name are myself, Sam, and Luna. After I arrived at school the next morning, I started feeling sick on account of how much I was thinking I was doing without even giving my mind a chance to take a breather.

During my history class, I got called to the security desk at the school. I never got called to go to the desk or the office, but I am sure that it was a misunderstanding. I hoped that it had nothing to do with my car. I did have all the paperwork filled out and turned in. I walked out of class and headed for the desk that was placed next to the main entrance of the school. "Ms. Treyton? Mr. and Mrs. Thywater have a couple of questions to ask you." Officer Johnson had said after I had arrived at the desk. Where have I heard that last name before?

He pointed to a couple that was sitting in waiting chairs on the other side of the foyer. I caught sight of them and shivered at the fact that they once again came to me unannounced. It brought back memories that wanted to forget. I closed my eyes, sighing in annoyance. I decided to give them a chance. They seemed to know a lot about me, but I did not know anything more than what I had either figured out myself, or what Luna had told me. I directed them out the set of double doors and slowly followed behind them. "Isabella, can we ask you about your friends? Last time we met, we said that humans did not need you and that you did not need them. But in response, you said that you needed them. Can we talk about that?" The woman had asked after we had stepped outside in the courtyard to talk privately. I just scoffed and folded my arms over my chest. I listened to the flag flapping in the wind while licking my dry, cracked lips.

I knew that this conversation was not going to last long because she was standing on thin ice with me by asking me questions that she did not deserve to know the answers to. "Two things. No, you cannot ask me about my life, and yes that does include things about my friends and my personal life. And two, I thought that I was clear that I wanted you two to stay away from me. I don't know who you both are, and I don't want to know. If I see you near me or asking about me from my friends, I will call the cops." I said turning my back to them. I could see them sigh.

The man left his wife's side and headed over to me. "We don't care what you think about us, but we want to know about you. We haven't even seen you in a long time. We've missed everything about you. We also want you to get to know us so that you can see what you have missed." He said to me. There was a thin line that his wife crossed, and he hasn't stepped back towards it yet. There were things that they wanted to know, but they haven't earned my trust. For the time being, I knew that they would not stop trying to get to know me, but for now, I was determined to leave them in the dark as they did to me in the past.

I turned to look into his indigo shaded eyes. I know that he was less persistent than his wife, but he was going to get the same answer that she got from me. "You want to get to know me? Then why don't you go and ask Luna. She is the only one who has been honest with me. But don't bother. She will only listen to Sam and me. For whatever reason you both abandoned me, I don't want to hear excuses. But from what I remember, the both of you never tried hard enough to keep Mysis from sending me away. And yes, I know that he is the King of Neptune who also happens to be my sick, twisted, and demented grandfather. If you didn't fight to keep me, then what good is learning about me when you won't bother to understand the reasoning behind the things that I have done, things that I will do and what I want out of my future. You can forget about it. And stay away from my school, my home and my friends. I will not hesitate to protect them from anyone who dares to harm them." My warning was harsher the second time around which I hoped that they would listen to.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora