Chapter 20: A Haunted Tragedy

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Chapter 20.

A Haunted Tragedy

With each passing day, my powers grow stronger. I don't know if they will increase themselves to expand or just suddenly just stop increasing in power, but I am hoping for it. My mind has been fed more and more knowledge and information in the past few months than it has known in the past decade and a half. What will become of me if this continues, I keep asking myself every morning I see the sun rise. I still worry about what my abilities will lead to. I have been able to control them so far, but that could change within a blink of an eye.

I woke up one morning, lying in Sam's arms. The bright rays from the sun were shining in my eyes making it hard for me to keep them open. I glanced at the alarm clock and before I read the time, I saw that my eyes were slits. I just smiled shook my head and read the clock. It was only seven thirty on a Saturday morning. Sam had his head buried in my neck with his arms around my waist. I smiled and let out a big, long yawn. He began to move behind me as I exhaled. As he moved his arms out from under me, I groaned softly while he brought his arms above him to stretch them out. I buried the side of my face in the pillow as he wrapped his arms around my waist again.

My body began to warm up against his skin the longer he touched me. "Morning, my lovely." He spoke soft and sweetly in my ear. I just smiled and chuckled quietly under my breath. He began to place warm kisses all around my neck. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and turn a bright red at his light, and warm touch.

"Nope. We are not going to do that, mister." I spoke softly as he drew me closer to his chest. I could tell that he was laughing. I took one of his hands that were around my waist and I brought it up to my lips to kiss it softly. Sam chuckled behind me while placing his chin on my shoulder. He looked at me with sad eyes and his lips were puckered. "Don't look at me like that. You know that your puppy dog face does not work on me. I am immune to such flattery." I said while closing my eyes and turning my head towards the closet doors. Sam was laughing while placed some kisses on my exposed shoulder blades.

My silence towards his actions was interrupted by my phone going off in my coat on the other side of Sam's room. He released me as I pulled back the covers and slid out of the bed. As I walked to my coat hanging on the hanger, I heard Sam groan into the pillow behind me. He was beginning to get upset that I left his side to answer the phone. I was chuckling lightly. "Oh, stop whining. I will be right back." I had said as I grabbed the phone out of the pocket. Not checking who it was, I turned back to look at Sam and I answered the phone. "Hello?" I spoke in a normal tone leaving the chuckling out of it.

There was a brief amount of silence before a voice rose over the other end of the phone. "Yes. Am I speaking to an Isabella Treyton?" The feminine voice had said over the phone. I smiled, and I was astonished that someone that I did not know said my last name correctly. People would always butcher it so badly, but heaven forbid, I was quite used to it.

Sam was staring at me with his pouting eyes and it brought a smile to my face. "Yes. This is she. How can I help you this morning?" I said while smiling. There were several bits of chatter in the background from where she was calling from but none of it was easy to make out even with my advanced hearing. I began to wonder what this was about. It was early in the morning to hear all of this chatter going on.

I ignored the conversations in the background and focused more on her voice until my concentration was interrupted by a certain someone. "Yeah, you can hang up the phone and give me back my girlfriend." Sam had shouted across the room. He had a smile on his face. He dropped his face into the pillow, and I could hear him laughing very hard, but the sound was muffled. I grabbed another coat from the closet and threw it at him from the other side of the room to get him to quiet down.

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