Chapter 19: The Last Thing That You Say

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Chapter 19.

The Last Thing That You Say

I have been flying to Sam's house every night for the past few weeks since my house is no longer a welcoming place once the parental figures returned from Hawaii. Ever since they told me to find someone else to share my life with, I have not spoken to them. I also refuse to sleep at that house. I do return every late night and feed Eclipse, but other than that, I have no desire to sleep or even be there at all.

I practically live at Sam's house now in one of the spare bedrooms. His mother does not mind one bit of how often I stay at the house. I feel more welcome there than I did at my own house. Even Sam understood how much that I needed his comfort and presence to keep my powers at bay. My emotions were somehow connected to how my abilities stay contained. If I were to get angry, I can't control them that well. If something bad were to happen, we both knew that I would not be able to control them if we were apart for any reason at all.

Every day at school since Halloween last month, some things have been happening such as a power outage or even more lock downs than normal. I began to think that I was the cause of all of the commotion both in and outside of school. I just hoped that soon things would calm down to their normal level, so I won't do something else to set the school security on high alert for the rest of the year. I have caused enough pain and fear among the doors of this school. I did not want to make it worse by killing someone else for causing a large massacre. I have done that once already. Not a fan of it, by the way.

Keeping Sam close would help along with keeping my emotions in check. It has been helping and I am not phasing at random times like before. But my dreams told me a different story. I even get the feeling that something had will happen.

After my advanced English 3 class, I had choir class, then lunch next. I told Sam that I was going to go home to pack a few things so that I could move into the spare bedroom that I have been living in. His mother said that I was always welcome to stay. After I had told her what my parents think, all of it true by the way, she offered up the spare room to me permanently. It helped me find a way to get back on my feet to help better my 'condition' since I also told her that they are somewhat linked to my mood and emotions. She has been supportive about me being different, but she does not look at me like I am a monster. That has been a relief and I don't have to hide who I am in that house. At my old house, I could sense all of the anger and disappointment lingering in every corner of the house. I could not breathe there. Moving in with Sam and his mom was going to be beneficial. That was going to change my moods for the better. I hope.

During the free period, I walked up to the library and began looking through all of their books that were new while Sam was meeting with his gym coach about something that I did not know about. I did not bother to focus in on their conversation since he would let me know later on. I just kept glancing at the long shelf of books hoping to find something to read since I knew what was going to happen today. I loved reading and I needed something else to sink my eyes into rather than the other books that I have read a millions times already. I had found a mystery novel that was going to have to get me through the rest of the week but after reading what it was about, I knew that I was going to finish it quite quickly. "Izzy, are you going off campus for lunch today?" Meredith had asked me as I was checking out a book from the library.

I looked in my bag for my student ID to check out the book when she approached me from the entrance of the library. "Yeah, but I am going to my house to pick up some things and dropping them off at Sam's house. I can't stay there anymore without feeling like I need to be prepared to defend myself whether it be verbally or physically. Why?" Meredith had this weird look on her face that I have only seen her have once before this. I could not help but want to know the actually meaning of it rather than get a shortened answer. I did not know that a few people knew about me moving in with Sam and his mother, but I guess that words around a place like this seem to travel very quickly.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now