Chapter 9: Truths and Friends Become Reality

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Chapter 9.

Truths and Friends Become Reality

Things always seem to change when you least expect them to. I have learned to adapt faster than other people. Over the past couple of school days, Sam has been very supportive in helping me cover my tracks, control my abilities, and avoid unnecessary attention from where it is not needed or wanted. I only asked him to help me keep this secret, but he has done more than that.

We have kept a close eye on each other since Michael's posse approached us in the dust fields. The days seemed to drift by faster than they usually would. Sam and I walked through the hall, heading for my locker near the science corridor. "I told you that I was unsure. Neptunians aren't my exact specialty since I recently found out that I am one. I have no idea whether or not I am immortal thanks to the extremely quick healing, or the vast number of abilities that I possess. I would have to ask Luna on that bit, but whenever I try to bring it up, she changes the subject or ignores me entirely." I replied to Sam's question about whether or not I was going to age like a normal human being after using my abilities very frequently.

He leaned against the locker that was beside mine while giving me a shocking look. I was reaching into my bag and grabbing my calculus book to place it on the top shelf of my organized locker. "Oh, come on. I believe that since you heal quickly, immortality would not be that much of a stretch. Plus, from what I have read, legend goes that they can live up to three hundred years old. Maybe you will live beyond that number, if you are careful." He smiled and snickered as I rolled my eyes in disbelief as to what he was saying. I kept emptying out my bag, placing things on their correct shelves and hooks. It was hard to believe that someone could live for that long.

Dropping my notebook and choir folder in my bag, I took another glance at Sam. "Don't get me wrong, but there is a reason why it is called a 'legend'. No one really knows the truth. I just have to get it out of Luna. She seems to know more than she is letting on. Besides, living forever, immortality? It sounds like a depressing life; watching everyone close to you die of old age, remaining alone for the rest of eternity. I would rather live a full life than a long one. I wouldn't want all of those long years to fall at my feet, doing nothing or just watching the world began to understand and experiment with things that shouldn't be messed with. It's about quality. Not quantity, Sam. Remember that." I gathered the rest of my things and shut the door of the locker.

Sam pushed himself off the locker and walked over to stand beside me. "I am just saying. Seeing all of the history change throughout your lifetime? It might not be such a bad thing. But I do understand about the part in watching everyone around you die of old age while you remain youthful." I lightly shoved him with my right hand as we walked down the mildly full hall. He chuckled lightly and gently nudged my arm with his elbow once he caught up to me. "But still. It would be nice to check off the "I know a person who is immortal" off of my bucket list." He joked jumping in front of me. The smile on his face along with the laughter was good to hear again.

I rolled my eyes, smiled and laughed. "Oh, jeez. I am glad that I am a laughing stock when it comes to your sarcasm and terrible jokes, mister." I teased while hitting his arm with the back of my hand. I liked the fact that we could joke about this, but I did not like to joke about my abilities since they can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands. Sam placed his arm around me and placed a kiss on the top on my head. I leaned into his side hug as we walked out of the hall and into the language corridor. Just as we turned the corner, I sensed a hint of anger approach from behind us.

My senses began to get nervous and cautious. I removed the smile from my face but kept my gaze straight ahead, until I heard a voice call out. "Hey, Lockstreet?!" Sam removed his arm from around me and turned around before I did. I recognized the voice better than my own. I swiveled on the tip on my boot and looked into the owner of the eyes: Michael. He had a cast on his right arm to help heal his many broken fingers. I wonder what his excuse was to his parents when he told them that many of his fingers were broken. We both stood still as Michael walked towards us. Sam's heart began to speed up. Once he came close to us, with his left hand, Michael reached out and shoved Sam into the brick wall that stood beside us. "What the hell was that in the dust fields? You have some tough woman watching you back, is that it?" Sam tried to push Michael away from himself, but Michael was a wrestler. He was stronger than he looked. Michael was thin, but still muscular.

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