Chapter 21: Holidays, Anger and New Abilities

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Chapter 21.

Holidays, Anger and New Abilities

Since I healed Meredith's mom with my blood, she has been doing better than ever. I have had Luna keep a close eye on Meredith's mother since we are still unsure what human blood does when exposed to Neptunian blood. So far, nothing has gone astray. I felt very proud of what I did for Meredith. I kept a promise to her; that her mother would be alright. After all, she is one of my best friends. I could not let her suffer like that. Sam still brings up the fact once in a while that he was right. I have to admit that he was getting the hang of understanding the power that I possessed. To be honest, when I saw Adam in the trauma room, I wanted to kill him for being so stupid, but I managed to contain my anger; most of it anyway. Since then, I have not seen him, or my mother and I am very happy about that.

Spending more time with Sam and his mother has given me hope that I will soon live a normal life without having to use my abilities. The lies have been starting to come to a minimum minus the fact that I still have to lie to my friends at school. I was going to find a way to change that. It was starting to make me look bad. I have been lying less and less every week that goes by, but I still had to tell lies to hide my identity.

I woke up on a Wednesday morning, three days before Christmas, feeling like an early morning flight. I got up from Sam's bed without disturbing his slumber and walked down the hall to my guest room. The bed was always made, and the room was always clean since I never spent much time in here. I was always in Sam's room. His mother did not mind that.

I walked over to the closet and got my running shoes and a sleeveless vest on. I glanced out the window while tying my shoes and it was snowing. It was very beautiful. I walked down the stairs and the house was quiet. It felt too quiet for me. After I opened the front door, I locked it with the spare key that Mrs. Lockstreet issued me as a welcoming gift for moving in. The base coat of the key was purple; my favorite color. She knew me all too well. She would since I have been living under her roof with Sam for some time now.

Luna was waiting for me in the middle of the street, pawing at the snowflakes that were falling around her. I stopped in my tracks and just smiled at her. Once she saw me crossing my arms over my chest, she straightened her body, pretending like nothing had happened. At first, she looked adorable and now she was trying to look all tough with a straight sitting posture.

I walked over and brought my hand to her neck and began to stroke it softly. "Don't pretend that you were not doing anything, Luna. I saw everything." I said while patting her neck. She growled with a slight snarl in her throat, and I just laughed. Jumping off the ground, my wings opened and flapped in the wind. There was a cool breeze that blew through the air. Each snowflake had a unique pattern and design that blew my mind away; an endless mixture of hexagons, triangles and pentagons. No two snowflakes were ever alike. Pure beauty would fill my eyes with each one that caught my gaze. Before I discovered my abilities, all I would see would be white, fluffy balls falling from the clouds. I was still intrigued at them even then, but my curiosity kept pushing out of me.

The breeze began to turn from ice cold to a cool gust. Snow continued to fall all over the city below me as I continued to fly above the low cloud coverage. I watched several impatient drivers on the highway and shook my head in annoyance. This is how accidents are caused, ladies and gentlemen; impatient, reckless, dumb and stupid drivers. A combination of that with ice and snow is a tragedy waiting to happen. I could control where the snow fell but I did not want to mess with mother nature. She was being challenged constantly and I was not about to get on her bad side. I just watched to make sure that nothing bad was going to occur.

After I escaped the financial district of the city, I came to the urban part of town. The laughter and giggles of children sledding down hills echoed through the air. I flew closer to the ground, emerging from the clouds and landed in a small tree near the left side of the hill. There was a little girl that crashed into a huge, soft snow bank. I was prepared to jump out of the tree and help her out of the snow. She moved her head out of the snow and began to laugh, dusting the snow off her crochet hat. I started to laugh at the bright smile on her face. "Mommy, mommy, mommy!! Can I do that again, please?" She asked as she grabbed her sled to haul it back up the hill.

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