Chapter 7: Wrong Thoughts at the Wrong Time

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Chapter 7.

Wrong Thoughts at the Wrong Time

I could not stop thinking about her for just a simple, little second no matter how hard I tried. Dreaming about her just helps brighten the day and it makes for a very positive and exciting day ahead, I thought to myself. Once my alarm went off, I was already awake, staring at the ceiling in awe of how I felt about her. I still regret calling her over to my house last night over nothing but a slight misunderstanding, but I did not regret that kiss that we shared. Not knowing the exact way that it made her feel was hard but knowing that she did not pull away said it all. I was thinking about her while taking a hot shower. I could not get her out of my head. Every thought that whispered in my brain was about her. Even when I closed my eyes, I saw her. No matter what I did, I would always see her everywhere that I went.

Some people would think that I was crazy for hanging out with a smart girl that could answer almost any question that you asked her. It was that aspect about her that I admired. That and her being an ''alien''. I did not care who or what she was. All I cared about was that there is a part of her that she did not shelter it from herself anymore since it is a part of her past. And the future, too, it seems. It would be easier on her if she just accepted it like I have. I hope that she could see the peace that it would bring her rather than having to hide from it. Deep down, I realized that I cared for her more than I care about myself. I knew what that meant for me and yet, it doesn't matter to me in the slightest. I found that out Saturday when she revealed herself to me; her spiky blue and violet mixed hair, her eyes still looking at me. The length of her wings and her tail would even take me by surprise. Even her presence near me would jumpstart my heart in a good way. Her gentle touch set my nerves on fire while her skin would cool... Oh, I have to stop thinking about her. But how?

After I got out of the shower, I ran a hand towel through my hair multiple times, trying to dry it as much as possible before getting dressed. Walking to my dresser that stood flush against the wall outside of my bathroom, I took my phone off the charging dock and let it rest in my hands and opened the text messaging app. I still had no messages from her, but I did have some from my friends. It did worry me a bit that I had nothing from her to read, but I tried to not let it worry me too much to where I would obsess about it.

A few of my guy friends separate from our lunch mob group were aware that I was developing feelings towards Izzy. To many of them, it was not a shocking surprise. To others, well, that is a different story. You see, a few of them also had a thing for Izzy, but none of them ever made a move on her. I guess that I was the first. Sort of. I'm not sure that the two kisses would count. Anyway, I had told them earlier that the feelings were getting stronger and their response was, "Go make you move then." That was last Friday night when they told me that. I did take their advice and kissed her when we met up on Saturday morning. How was I going to tell them that I made a move on her? Twice, in fact. I had to come up with something to say to them. I did kiss her, but I have yet to tell her how I actually feel about her. I needed to figure out the words for that conversation too.

I just shook my head, void of words and tossed my phone on the comforter that was ruffled on my bed. Stepping back into the bathroom, I combed my hair and lightly ran some gel through it to tame the flyaway strands that I would always get after my hair would dry. The stray hairs were never an asset to my look.

Buttoning my jeans, I began to pick out a shirt, but ultimately went for a simple, plain black shirt. After putting it on, the wooden box that rested on a shelf in my closet caught my attention. Grasping it with one hand and opening it up with the other, I took a long glance at the necklace that rested inside. It still remained a mystery as to where this came from. I had found it on my bedroom floor, but I swore that I have seen it before all of this chaos from the other night and the night before that. I could not quite put my finger on it. Maybe it will come to me later.

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