Chapter 18: Losing Scary Thoughts

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Chapter 18.

Losing Scary Thoughts

I was quite excited and anxious to start the day once I woke up. There was a lot to be done in a short amount of time, but knowing myself, it will all get done without any worries. Tomorrow is Halloween night and Sam is planning on going with me around the neighborhood. So, he thinks but I have a better idea in mind. When people see juniors in high school trick or treating, they just stare at us. I don't even care. But I have seen full grown adults out on Halloween night, and they don't have kids. When Sam messaged me while I was pulling out the clothes for my costume tomorrow to decide what colors would be a best fit for me. I ran out of my closet and was breathing heavily with excitement.

It was great of him texting me every morning. Good morning, my darling. I felt my cheeks blush a bright and warm red color as I read his sweet words. Good morning to you too, lovely. Even when we were friends, he always put a warm touch to my heart. I needed to tell him that for the longest time, but I could not figure out the right words to use. So, what are you up to today, my pretty? Jumping up on the bed, I read his text and chuckled. He had a way with these words. I loved that about him. Nothing much. Just picking out an outfit that can be torn apart for what I had in mind for tomorrow. I have a great idea for your costume, so you can match me tomorrow, Sam. It will also help you to see what I go through on a daily basis since you have been wondering about it. For the past several days, he has been wondering what I go through because of how much of a toll being this creature takes on my mind and body. And let's not forget my soul, too. After all, he said that since he is keeping my secret, he should know what it takes for me to keep the powers at bay.

It occurred to me that he might be a little sceptic on this situation, but I had a way of helping him feel more at ease about it. It took a moment before he had answered back. Judging from his tone, he was a little nervous about the whole ordeal. How am I going to match you when I am not what you are?! And plus, it would be good to know what it feels like. Count me in. I was surprised at his reaction, but I was worried that he might just be saying that he is not worried to make me feel a bit better about this whole situation. I appreciated that about him, but I felt like I had nothing else to offer him other than my love and support. I felt like I was taking everything from him without giving him anything in return. I just hope that I can find a way to repay him. I'll come over to your house tomorrow night around seven. Trust me on this one. I have been practicing. I had to reassure him that I knew what I was doing.

I had a feeling that he was going to tell me something else to help the both of us calm each other regarding this case. He always had his way to calm me down when my nerves were on high alert. Alright. That sounds good. I have faith in you, darling. Don't you forget that. Got to go. I will see you tonight. That was the part of each and every day that I looked forward to. It would ease the stress from the day to spend the night in the comfort of his arms. It would melt away all of the pain and emotions of fear from that day. From the way that he was feeling relaxed when holding me close, we both felt like the other would bring us both closer to feeling peace. It would pain me to leave his side in case my dad would want to check up on me in the early morning before he left for work. I did not have to do that this week since they were gone. It felt less like a prison and more like a home since I no longer had to hide when the house is empty...

I love when Halloween is on a weekend because then we can stay out late without having to deal with the consequences of not getting much sleep for classes the next morning. I was going to love spending more time with Sam even though I sometimes spend the night at his house often, but this time we don't have to hide, and it won't have to be a secret. We had today off because it was a teacher workday. It seems like there were lots of those days this year, but who am I to complain since it meant a free day away from the horrors of high school. Not to mention all of the drama too. Which means tomorrow is a Saturday. I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on. I threw my clothes in the basket that rested behind the door before I jumped in the jets of steaming water. Beads of water fell down my back and with each drop that splashed to the floor; it was like a loud bang in my ears.

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