Chapter 24: May 25th

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Chapter 24.

May 25th.

The last time that I spoke to my parents was about six months ago near the beginning of December and frankly, I am over it. They did come over to the Lockstreet house once. I stayed upstairs while Mrs. Lockstreet told them off. That is an amazing woman right there. "Mother of the Year" award worthy. She was not going to tolerate them on her property since they did not want me near them unless it was for their benefit.

They have also tried calling me, but I ended up ignoring the call and erasing the voice message that they would leave me without listening to it. I have been going over there late at night to visit Eclipse, but that is the only reason I would step foot in that house. It has been easy to forget about them, but there was something telling me to keep a closer eye on them for the time being, but I was also ignoring that feeling.

It was getting closer to summer break and Sam and I are looking forward to it. Only one day left in this school and then we could get a few months away from the responsibility of homework and tests. Spending more time with Sam has caused me to be more open about my feelings of what I am underneath this disguise. I no longer feared it which has helped me gain control of the abilities that I possess. I remember the days when I did fear it. I did not miss that. I would still be cautious of all my actions because those would almost always lead to bigger problems. It is not human, but it is powerful. I was not going to utilize its power unless it was needed. Even Meredith has come to terms with it after she found out at the State Choir Competition. I am surprised that she has yet to tell anyone, and I thank her for that. Having more people know what I am would be harder to contain. These abilities were not toys to be played with. They were dangerous weapons.

At first, I was afraid of it because of all the damage that it would cause but after spending so much more time talking about with someone that I trust I feel calmer and more in control using it. Luna has helped me keep an eye on my parents just in case they start snooping around about what I am. They already have their suspicions, or so I am told. She has made sure that they don't find me wherever I went besides to the school and Sam's house. They became very good at wanting to follow me everywhere I went, and that was going to be a problem if it continued. I just hoped that they had the nerve to back off when break finally arrives. Summer this year is going to be awesome. Sam and I left for school almost forgetting my backpack on his bed. We ran out the door to my car that was parked in one of the three garages.

Every other day though we drive his car. When we arrived at school, I had to meet the principal in his office since I have to give an "End of the Year" speech even though it is the almost the same every year at the assembly today during excel. I left early prior to first hour ending and headed to the gym. Sam was already there setting up the PowerPoint of this year's memories put together by the yearbook class.

I ran to him surprising him with a kiss on his right cheek. He chuckled, and I went to plug in all of the power cords for the projector and the computer as he was logging on. Sam was part of the yearbook class in his spare time and he volunteered to use his computer for the PowerPoint. I have not seen this video yet and I was looking forward to it. Every year, you would see a lot of changes happen to the students and those changes would shape us to the people that we would become later on in life. For me, this year changed me beyond the point of recognition.

The bell rang, and the gym filled up quickly with chatty students and staff members. I watched as each section of the gym filled up with their classes. The seniors were already gone, and their bleachers were awfully empty, but this time in three months, that was going to change. The juniors would move over and everyone else would too. That was a fun mini ceremony at the start of each year here. Once the janitors closed the doors, I knew that was my cue to start. I grabbed the mike that Sam was handing me and began to speak. "Hello, Lancer Nation!" Everyone was getting in the spirit as school was drawing to an end. The gym filled with cheers and the clapping of hands.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя