Chapter 12: Coming to the Real World

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Chapter 12.

Coming to the Real World

I woke up the next morning after my alarm rang the annoying sound that everyone never wanted to hear before the sun was even up. I was going back to school today to see the rest of my friends, teachers and to bring home a massive pile of homework that I have missed over the past week. Great. I was not looking forward to the homework part of me returning to a normal schedule, but it was something that happened because of what I did. I was prepared to accept the consequences. I was just pleading with myself that it would go by smoothly. I took a fifteen-minute-long shower trying to keep my nerves on a lower level as to not have a breakdown before the day even began.

I grabbed a clean pair of Capri jeans from my closet along with one of my t-shirts from school that resided in one of my dressers. I put my hair up in a single long ponytail that hung all the way down until the middle part of my spine. I grabbed a pair of blue, medium high heels from my shoe organizer hanging up in the closet so as to not forget to walk out of the room without them. I glanced back at my clock and noticed that school started in forty-five minutes. It was already seven in the morning and the sun was up but the morning glow from it made me even more tired. I blamed it on myself for not going to Sam's place last night after I stopped by to inform him on the legend that I was a part of. It did not feel right to sleep over after that. I grabbed my keys from the desk, my satchel filled with school work, and dashed out my room without a second thought. I closed the door behind me, and I began walking down the stairs. The house was very quiet.

Once I was at the end of the stair case with the sitting room in my field of vision, my cat jumped off his tower, came running up to me and meowed loudly. It was loud enough that he could wake the dead with it. I smiled, and I placed my bag on the couch and snatched him off the ground before he could make his escape. Not that he did not want to do that anyway. He began to purr loudly against my chest while rubbing his head on my chin. I scratched his forehead while kissing him on his fluffy neck. I walked over to his tower and placed in on the second to last step. He would always brighten my day when I had doubts about how dark it would be. Sam and Eclipse would always make me smile in the most bizarre yet adorable ways that made my emotions bounce all over the place.

I walked into the kitchen brushing his fur off of my shirt so that it would not look like Eclipse had slept on this shirt for years with all the fur he was shedding. I headed to the big cabinet and reached for his cat food on the top shelf. Poured one scoop of food in the bowl, I heard him land on the floor with a mild thud, racing over to his mat to get his version of breakfast. Once he began eating, I stroked the back of his neck and returned to measuring cup to his bag. Locking up his food, his loud crunching sounds echoed off the tiled kitchen floor. As I walked to the next cabinet to get my travel mug, I spotted a note on the fridge that I must have missed once I had entered the kitchen.

Hope you have a good day at school. Try to be careful and come home today without getting hurt in the process. Remember that you will return strong and able to complete anything and everything. We will see you when we get home from work later this afternoon. Good luck on you day back. ~Mom & Dad~

I snickered loudly in exasperation and took the note down and threw it in the trash can once it was crumbled up into a small ball. I took the top of my mug off and poured the cold coffee inside. I grabbed some ice from the freezer and dropped the cubes in the cup. I skipped the cream and went to the canisters in the window sill for the sweetness that the bitter taste needed. I put two teaspoons of sugar in the coffee, screwed the lid back on, and shook the mug. The ice cubes hit the sides of the mug softly while helping the sugar disappear to allow the coffee to get to the sweetness that I desired to help me get through this long morning that hasn't ever started yet.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now