Chapter 14: Rise of the Neptunian

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Chapter 14.

Rise of the Neptunian

After Sam had left the basement, I started to wake up again. Taking in a gasp of air, I tasted the iron in my blood, and it was beginning to make me gag. I felt myself slipping away due to the fact that I was both tired and sore. I told him that these wounds would soon heal up and it was true. I have been healing quickly now, but it has taken a while to start this time around. Cheyenne was right next to me still putting pressure on the wounds. I coughed a bit, gaining back some of the air that I was losing. Sam's footsteps quietly disappeared with each step that he climbed up to the main floor of the school. He had closed the door behind him, but the room was not totally dark. It was lit by the orange and red flames brought on by the many boilers. The smell of the flames tingles through my nose.

I remained still on the couch feeling the blood flow down my sides. Hearing her heartbeat, I could tell that it had calmed down from when I first heard it in the hall upstairs. She was still a bit anxious about what would happen next. Swallowing, the blood flowed down my throat making me cringe. My eyes closed, calming the pain that I was feeling. My body began to get extremely hot and I knew that it was going to make me sick if it was not going to get lowered. "Cheyenne go and flip the light switch on. I got this." I had said to her with a dry throat. I felt the pressure release off my abdomen and she moved away from the couch. After that, she got up from the floor and walked around for a moment before she ran into one of the nearby boilers. A loud noise echoed through the room.

I opened my eyes to see if I could see anything, but that was a bust. My energy level was so low that I could not see anything. My senses were beginning to shut down along with my body. I had to fight to get out of the basement and stop Jason. As I tried to push myself off the couch, Cheyenne stopped in her tracks, frustrated that we were both blind within the darkness. "I can't see shit when it is this dark down here! How can I find the switch if I can even see my hands in front of my face?!?!" Cheyenne had yelled when she was standing about three feet in front of me. I breathed in loudly, hoping to get us both out of here without any more injuries. I sat up on the couch carefully, hissing at the waves of pain while her voice finished its echo throughout the walls. It turned into a whisper at the last second and travelled into my ears before disappearing completely.

My head was pounding up and down the pain scale. I just closed my tired eyes and sighed very quietly keeping my arms on the couch to keep me propped up. I brought all of my thoughts together in one single second. I removed Sam's shirt off of my already sore waist and placed it on the floor. I felt my hand getting drenched in my own blood. I gathered all of my energy that was already beginning to regain itself. My eyes had opened at an instant pace, but this time I could see in the dark. It was like green night vision goggles except everything that had high heat was a bright white that could blind you. Everything else was different shades of purple and blue. I exhaled and calmed my eyes since it was a bit of a sensory overload going from seeing nothing to seeing everything within a split second. I began looking around the room, hoping to lead Cheyenne to the switch that was about thirty feet away.

I turned my gaze towards Cheyenne who was standing still waiting for my response. "Okay. Cheyenne, I am going to lead you toward the light switch, but you have to trust me with my directions. You won't be able to see anything but know that I will not let you run into the walls or the boilers." I said with a soft but strong tone as my energy was getting stronger. I did not know how I was gaining all of my strength and energy back so fast. One minute I am unconscious because I am bleeding to death and the next, I am able to use my advanced sight to see in the dark without depleting my energy. I felt the bullets in my abdomen move around with each breath that I took.

I waited for Cheyenne's response as I controlled my breathing to avoid causing any more internal damage. She looked around and the expression on her face was one of both confusion and disbelief. She sighed, thinking that this was not going to work in our favor. This was going to work. I just needed to be accurate of where I was leading her. "Okay. I trust you right now, but if you make me run into anything, I can't trust your judgment on directions anymore. Just tell me where to go and if I am about to run into anything. I already have a headache and I don't wish to make that into a concussion." She had said with a sarcasm tone in her voice. She crossed her arms over her chest as I laughed lightly trying to turn the mood in the room in a different direction.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora