Chapter 13: Violence Treated with Violence

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Chapter 13.

Violence Treated with Violence

We ran down the hall and there he was. How could I have not heard that someone was down here? I blamed myself for us running into this. My heart just stopped in time as I had slowed down to put a large amount of distance between Jason and myself without causing a big problem. Sam probably was not watching where he was going because he had bumped into me pushing me about two feet closer to the black heart down the hallway. I could feel my wings and my tail ready to unleash fury upon this demon that was before me. My arm lashed out in front of Sam keeping him behind me since I was virtually the invincible one of the two of us. I stood in front of him protecting him as I could not yet die that I know of, but Sam could die in the blink of one's eye. Jason started to give out a mildly upset chuckle inside of his mouth. He was currently happy with himself.

Those almost black, brown, and red veined eyes of his were pierced and focused on me. I could hear the sweat dripping off his hair onto his neck, sliding down with the flow of a river sound to it. His heart, black as the darkest charcoal, was beating calmly deep in his chest. I never spoke much of him because I don't care about him one bit. My senses were on alert again because nothing else could go wrong. I was determined to make that possible. To me, this was a good case. We could end this short-lived reign of terror without anyone else getting hurt. I did love these odds since he did not know what I was capable of. The mildly upset chuckle disappeared into his esophagus right before he spoke.

A cold. dark voice was calm which caught my attention since it seemed that he was not afraid. I was very odd. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Tough break, you two. Let's have a look see. I have both of you on my mind to cause harm to because of how you humiliated me earlier today in front of the entire football team and the whole student body. I should have known that you two would be together as you guys are currently dating. If I kill both of you, I get to cross off two names on my list instead of one name. I love these odds. Either I kill the girl who ruined my reputation all over the whole school and my football team or her precious little boyfriend who can't keep his mouth shut on things that should not be said? Hmm. Decisions are to be made here right now in this very hall." Jason had said with a big, bright smile on his red with anger face.

His close to vein shot eyes glanced back and forth from my eyes to Sam's. I could tell who he was going to choose first, me, the girl who embarrassed him and made him look like a big, fat, wimpy football player who took a mild beating from a girl half his size. This was not hard to see. My heart started to pound with fear. I was standing in front of Sam and I could hear his heart race as well. With each heartbeat, I could both feel and hear the blood rushing in and out of his veins. I reached my hands behind my back and reached Sam's hands. Jason reached inside his jacket and pulled out the hand gun that rested in the inside pocket that was sewn into his coat. I felt as if the motion of his hands were slowed down and steady rather than being quick.

Jason's hand was as still as a mountain ready to pull the trigger that would change the way that he had saw me. To him before, I was a diehard geek and an embarrassment to his senior high school football career at the hands of a girl that was willing to expose herself to end the fear that he was instilling in others. My right hand was released from Sam's grasp. I brought my hand up to my chest where my necklace rested. I touched the pendant, rubbing it with my fingers, feeling the grooves of where the glass was at its heights and lows, and feeling the smooth parts where my fingers just slid across. My left hand was still being held by Sam's hand. I felt his pulse race beneath the skin of his palm. I had to do something, but I did not know what just yet.

Jason raised the gun and pointed it towards us. "As per the rules of a perfect gentleman according to your words from earlier today, ladies first. So sorry, Izzy. I just can't look passed at what you did to me. Let me lay it on the line for you. You openly mock my true strong relationship of my qualities for being the captain of my football team; you almost choked me to death with your foot. The only fair thing that I see here is to only kill you first." I was fearing for Sam's life more than my own. It scared me with how much this was not making an impact on Jason. He wasn't afraid, or nervous. He was completely calm. I narrowed my gaze and closed my eyes, thinking of something that I could do without exposing myself to him.

In almost an instant something came to me. I knew what I had to do to save us both. It seems that time itself slowed down thanks to my thoughts and mind going blank as to not distract me from what needed to be done, as I could hear each sound without the whispers in my ears causing me to become unfocussed. Jason was pulling the trigger back as if in slow motion before my eyes before I reacted.

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