Chapter 15: Hiding from the Truth

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Chapter 15.

Hiding from the Truth

I knew the consequences of giving an order to Jason after fighting back and rising up against his reign of terror throughout the entire school. What was I supposed to do? Let him tell the whole damn country and maybe the world what I am? And even if they believed him, what actions would they take? It pained me to see myself do that to him, but this was the only way to protect my secret and keep all of the other students and staff members safe from harm. I just did not expect myself to be able to keep my anger in control. He had crossed the line when he was about to kill Sam and when he shot me the second time around. My energy had replenished itself, but that does not mean that I wasn't still sore from getting shot a grand total of five times.

I watched the raid from the apartment complex in case I was needed again for some reason. Enough people's emotions have been tainted with the thought that they might die today. He needed to be stopped and that would happen if he did not stray from what I had told him to do. They had Jason cornered on the roof of the school. He was standing on the glass windows that were right above the pool. I hoped that it would end once I had left the area. All of the students were being held in the overflow parking lot area right next to the football stadium, waiting to be questioned on what they heard and saw, or they were waiting to be let go so that they may get their car and head home, a parent to pick them up or for the buses to arrive. Everyone just wanted to leave the school and go to the safety of their homes. I could not blame them.

After I flew back to my house with Luna, I strolled in the house, feeling sick to my stomach. It was a mixture of thinking about what had done, getting shot, and using my abilities a lot today. I tried not thinking about throwing up since that was the last thing that I wanted to do. Before I jumped in the shower, I texted Sam a quick message. Sorry I had to run out on you like that. I am okay. I just need time to pull myself together. Talk to you later. Love you. It was short because I did not know what else to say to him. Every word that came into my mind just made me cringe. I placed my phone on the dresser and stripped down until I wasn't wearing anything. Throwing my clothes on the mat, I wrapped my body in a robe and stepped out of the bathroom.

Luna was laying on my bed, staring at me. I knew what she was thinking. "Don't look at me like that. He would have done a whole lot worse if I did not do what I did. You would have torn him apart if you had gotten the chance." My words echoed through the open room. She just huffed loudly at me while placing her head on her front feet. "Also. I need to have you hide or take care of these clothes. Can't risk my parents finding them." She raised her head and jumped off the bed. Once she began walking over to me, I picked up the clothes and she gripped them in her mouth. As she turned to walk away, she spoke back at me. There would have been another way that we would have been able to come up with, but I can see why you did what you did even though this choice will haunt you for a while until you can come to terms with it. Her voice was saddened. Once she ended her opinion on what I had done, she left to take care of the clothes that were covered in blood and bullet holes.

Once she left, I strolled back in the bathroom, closing the door behind me. hanging up the robe on the back of the door, I turned on the shower to get cleaned up and scrub away the dried blood that covered my hands, abdomen and waist. I stayed in the shower, thinking about what I have done. As I did, I started to shut my body down. I rested my palms on a wall in the shower as I leaned over. My hair fell over until the ends started dripping towards the floor. Taking in breaths of steam, my body began to ache more beginning with my stomach. The feeling soared to the center of my esophagus until I knew what was coming next. There was a brief taste of iron that emerged on the tip of my tongue.

An uncontrollable spasm emerged in my throat telling me that it was more than just a mere case of feeling sick. I opened my mouth, blue blood flowed out and fell to the floor of the shower mixing with the water to create a light blue coloring around my feet. I began to choke on the blood that got stuck in the back of my throat. Even when I tried coughing to get myself some air, the pain became unbearable for me to withstand. Maybe it was a sign telling me that what I did was wrong, but that was never going to be the case. I did have a conscience but what happened today was beyond my control. There was only one way for this pain to end. I knew what was causing this to happen to me.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now