Prologue: Before It's Too Late

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Before It's Too Late

I never expected my life to end so short in a way of protecting the people that I love. Nor did I know that my compassion for others would cause a war to start in this era with me at its epicenter. I never wanted anyone to die because of my choices or the choices that my parents made all those years ago. How could we have known that it would lead to this outcome?

It felt as if a single choice created many dangerous and destructive results. If I knew what I know now, I would have wanted my life to end long before I came to know the ones that I have protected all of these years. Was it all for nothing? No, not entirely. When you live as long as I have, you begin to second guess everything that you have ever done in the past. You also second guess the choices that you face in the present.

I have lost people. Family, friends, allies. I have watched the mortals grow out of their youth and become known as the elders of their families. I know now why people say to cherish the time that you have with those that you are close to. It may be the only time that you have with them because things can happen within the blink of an eye and you won't see them coming. That is how it happened with me all those years ago. You won't understand what I have done and why I did it until I tell you my story. From the very beginning. Then, things will start to make sense. You will then agree when I say that sometimes things are just not worth dying over. Or maybe you will disagree with me entirely. "You did what you had to do," some might say. For three hundred years, people have said those exact words to me, but for all of those times, was there a better solution to the problems that we faced? I can tell you this now. The answer to that question is yes.

Immortality: the ability to live forever. It occurred to me that I had all the time in the world, and yet, what the hell have I done with it? Drawing away my allies, making new enemies that I can add to the long list that continues to grow. This is not how I would choose to remember my legacy, but there is no other way to explain it. I have done good, but the bad outweighs it by a long shot. Not many would see it that way. They are more blind than most.

I have paid for the mistakes that I have made in the past, but not nearly enough as I should have. People keep telling me that I have had reasons leading to the explanation of what I have done, but I ask myself if the ends justify the means. Or are my actions the means to bring upon the end? The lies, killing, corruption that I have caused can never be undone. I can slow time down, but can never go back and change it.

My double life was mine to live and to die for. I should have never found that life. But it is too late in time for that. Having known who I am, and who I was meant to be has changed the way that I see the world, even today. Being normal is the word that I would love to use any day, but that was never an option, and it will never be used to describe what life is. Having wings, a tail, and other godlike abilities have made me aware that I can hurt the people that I love. When Sam first found out, he was not the type to ask many questions, but then again, he was a little spooked to begin with. When I first found out who... what I was, my life changed completely. I was wanting to hide out of fear of what others would think of me. Or what they wanted to do to me. Torture? Dissection? Pain? I have been through it all at the hands of both my kind and Earth inhabitants. Humans have a long history of fearing what they don't understand. I was no exception to this fact.

Sam knows most of my secrets, but this long list of hidden secrets could be the end of my life. Maybe even his life as well. It was never my intention to hurt the people that I love but since I found out, the people closest to have paid the price. What can I do? Tell the world and be laughed at? Not my style. But who was I, really? I began to ask myself that question until I finally found out who I was. I knew that it was going to be a long, hard journey, but who says that you must face the journey all on your own? I only had one person to trust, but could that circle of people grow larger with the more harm that I do to others?

Many do not know the whole truth, and it is about time that I told it. Not the half-truth, but the whole truth: all of it. This may be the only time that I get this chance with the way that things are going to play out tonight. I am unsure what will prevail; loyalty or family. I cannot see if this will be my last day, but someone should know the truth even if it incriminates me to be the worst being in the universe.

I know that there are others that will not forgive me for what I am about to do, yet, there is no other way that this can end with happiness all around the board. Either I die knowing that I have made mistakes that will be there to punish me in the end, or he will die knowing that he could have changed with my help.

There come times that I ask myself what the world would be like if it never found out about me and my kind. It would be safer and better off than what I have done to it. If you take away all the relationships that I have gained and created among others, things would be very different. I saw all of this coming from the beginning. Others would agree. I should have remained hidden, and I should have disappeared without a trace. Sadly, things don't work that way, I'm afraid. Living with what I have done has caused me to change. There are those that just knew me as a normal human being, but I was far from normal, though they did not know that. Maybe it should have stayed that way. The world would be better off if I never existed. After you know my story, you will begin to agree with me. Like I said, only time will tell the reasoning.

If I had the chance to redo things differently, I would have disappeared the second Sam discovered my true form. He would have been better off finding someone that does not create death and destruction wherever they go. But this is not a perfect life. Nor does it have a completely happy ending like a fairytale. That should give you some time to think about what I did. This is a long story, so I am going to get started. Feel free to judge me along the way. Hell, I welcome judgement at this point. I don't want there to be any more secrets. My life is full of them, and now they are going to step out in the open...

Well, here is the prologue... I have had it in my inventory on my laptop for the past few months and did not know what to do with it. Anyway, I am going to publish each chapter of this story since I have this book entirely done via Word Document. 

Please let me know either in the comments below or via PM what you think of this so far. I will warn you that this book is part of a six book series that I have been working on since sixth grade. So, if my math is correct, which it rarely is, I have been writing this series for about 12-13 years now and it is still not entirely done. I have just been getting too busy to write lately, but now I plan on making time. Editing is my next step before I will want to publish this book in the near future... 

Much love as always, my readers. 

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