Chapter 11: Back From the Dead?

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Chapter 11.

Back from the Dead?

I woke up in the middle of the night, gasping for air while my head was resting on his chest. I grabbed my phone out from my bag on the side of the bed on the floor. I pulled it out and it read 3:30 am on Monday morning. I carefully slipped out from his grasp and gathered my things without wanting to wake him from his slumber. I got out a piece of paper and a pencil from is desk, and I wrote him a short letter and placed it on his phone that rested on his nightstand. I gave him a kiss on his visible cheek and then I was off. It was pretty silent outside and also a little chilly. The roads were also barren of any cars. Not even any lights in the houses were on. Everyone was still fast asleep while I was wide awake. When I got to my window, I quietly crept across the floor to my bed.

I did not want to leave Sam, but I had to. I knew that I would get a visit by the 'rents in the early hours. I had to make sure that I was here when they asked many questions instead of Luna, who is unable to speak for me. I let my coat fall to the floor next to my shoes and slipped under the warm comforter. I let my arm hang off the bed, stroking Luna's horns as I stared at the ceiling. I inhaled, focusing in to listen to Sam's heartbeat and breathing while he slept.

Eclipse jumped up on the bed and curled up on the blanket next to me, purring and meowing away, demanding some much-needed attention that he missed out on the past few days. With one hand on Luna's horns, I used the other hand and stroked his warm, soft fur. A moment passed by when he began licking my fingers before I move my hand over to scratch the side of his face. Eclipses' purring was soothing. Eventually, he had enough pets, so he moved to the foot of the bed and laid down near my feet. Drifting back to Sam's heart beating, I let his calming sounds help me drift back into a deep sleep away from his gentle grasp.

When the morning glow of the rising sun reached my face, I awoke with a startle. I sighed and moved around on my bed once again getting comfortable. Luna was laying on the day bed in front of the window. She looked very peaceful. It was 9:26 am and I started to fall back asleep, like I did not get enough in the cave. Or could I even call what that was sleep? I have no clue right now.

My phone vibrated on my end table gave me a bit of a startle. I groaned while rolling around to stretch out my hand to grab hold of the phone. Pulling up the message's app, I saw that Sam was texting me. I began to form a smile on my face. I laid my head back down on my large pile of pillows that rested behind me while typing my passcode in to unlock my phone. Before I opened my text messaging app, I went to my email app. In the several days that I was missing, I have over two hundred emails from colleges, school, and several website subscriptions. You wouldn't think that I would have this may emails from an entire week. It took me a few minutes to go through them one by one and delete the uninteresting ones. Some of the other emails were from everyone else trying to reach me during the week. I deleted them since I no longer needed to worry about them as well.

I then opened up my messaging app. It was still filled with many messages and only the ones from Sam were open. I clicked on his picture icon and began reading the text he sent me. Hey. Thanks for the letter. I wish that you did not have to leave though. Even his texts warmed my heart. I still felt bad for what I had done, but I knew that I would never forgive myself for what I did to him. You are welcome, darling. I'm sorry though. I had to get back home just in case my parents wanted to check up on me. I wanted to remain with him until the sun came up, but I knew that it was not an option. That's fine. I do understand that they would probably want to talk to you about what happened. Will I see you again today? He sounded sincere about understanding. I knew that he wished I could stay with him too throughout the night. I think so. I might stop by a little later today, but if I don't, I will come by to see you late tonight.

Life Line (a Neptune Royal Series novel) Book #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora