The Storm

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~Sombra POV~

Moira's voice echoed off the walls and there was a sickening silence that made my stomach turn. Until I hear Glenn's horrible laughter.

"Ah Moira. I told you, you couldn't handle what I was planning, but I do have to thank one person for making it a reality. Now we just sit back and wait for my bastard of a step son to destroy our existence."

(Y/n)'s body started to crack and break, only to reform just as fast. His skin started to become a black oozing mess that looked sentient. It was wrapping around his face trying to cover everything but (y/n) was trying to rip it off before it covered his eyes.

"Glenn! You fucking bastard! He doesn't deserve this!"

"He may be "innocent" but what about the rest of the world? You should've known I wanted to start humanity all over, from a time where the earth was just a big ball in the sky, nothing in existence. This was the only time there was truly no conflict on-"

"You don't care about that! You don't care about anything! This isn't some righteous villain "I'm doing a good thing in a horrible way" You're just trying to kill people for fun!"

Glenn let's out a boisterous laugh before smirking at us.

"Guilty. I wanted to see how far I could get into my speech before someone got mad. I digress, I have been needing to use him or I would've... well I don't know what I'd be doing. Probably just trying to recreate Jason."

I look at (y/n) and think of what would happen if I hacked him. I'm about to hack until I hear someone yelling at me.

"Sombra don't! We don't know what's going on with his biology right now! If you hack him there might not be a (y/n) to save!"

Angela holds my arm as I look forward. The man I care so much about is being turned into a monster and there's nothing I can do to help him. Why must fate be so fucking cruel.

He turned (y/n) into a sludge monster, like the girl from before. His eyes they look like glossed over doll eyes. His teeth are sharp and leaking sludge, and I wish I could understand what he is, but all parts of him look like they're moving on their own, like bugs are under his skin. He growls and I see him start to get into an attack mode.

"Girls. Run."

I look at Sam who's standing in front of us. Angela lightly walks next to him and holds his shoulder.

"Sam? What are you planning?"

Sam starts to push Angela away from him as he holds his ground against whatever (y/n) is becoming.

"Angela. There's no way any of us are going to make it out alive if we stick around, but I'm a robot, he can destroy me, and it will give you gals enough time to run away. Please I don't want to lose any of you."

"But Sam!"

"No buts! Leave now or none of us will see the light of day again!"

I grab Angela's hand as we run further into the building. I can hear a horrible scream and everything breaking once we make it to an open area, but it's a dead end. There's no windows or doors for us to get out of. It's like a wear house that was stripped of all its equipment but there are still the walls of boxes.

"Well fuck."

"What do you mean 'fuck'?!"

"What I mean is the only exit is the entrance. Glenn must of made this fucked up warehouse to toy with people, get their hopes up and kill their spirits before they were killed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now