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~(y/n) POV~
Sombra and I slowly let go of each other. Both of us having big smiles as we leave the room to go get breakfast.

"So (y/n) what did that make us?"

"I'm not sure. I've never done anything like that and well, I was hoping we could go slow? Because I care for you a lot I really do but I'm not sure what I call these feelings, but I still wouldn't mind being called yours."

Sombra blushes a light pink before giving a small kiss on the cheek.

"We don't have to use labels but I wouldn't mind being yours either amore."

I blush as we make it to the kitchen. Everyone turns to look at us and I immediately put myself in front of Sombra as she grabs my sleeve. The silence is so fucking loud right now as I hear my heart thump in my chest. Why do I say? What can I say? 'Hey yeah I know Sombra's been helping talon try and take out Overwatch for years but she's now on our side. Trust me even though my dad is out and about and is probably going do do something to destroy Overwatch sooner or later.' Wow it sounds worse just in my head. Lucio breaks the silence.

"So... Sombra... you're uh a decent person now?"

"Rude but yeah. I guess. I'm just trying to get breakfast so could we wait until later for an interrogation heh."

Lucio rolls his eyes as Hana walks up behind him. A small circle of agents started to form around us, all looking very mad at Sombra. I look at Sombra and see she looks worried so I do what I think is right, I make a small barrier around us. The crowd is pushed back as murmurs start to be heard. Everyone's talking but Hana. She looks between us and the crowd before letting out a huge sigh. Hana walks up to me and Sombra, or as close as she can be with the barrier, with a weird look in her eyes she looks at the crowd as she starts going on a tangent.

"For fucks sake. Sombra, you're here for (y/n) right? Right. That means you've been inside of Overwatch HQ and you could've hacked us from the inside already right? I'm not saying I trust you as a person, because you're far from that in my eyes, but I'm trusting (y/n)'s judgment. I'm trusting (y/n) because from what I know of him, he doesn't have many people he trusts, he doesn't just give it out, and because of Moira. I highly highly doubt he'd help someone who helped take away his childhood. You may not be an Overwatch member but your really not Talon. Again I'm not trusting you but I do from the bottom of my heart think this isn't stupid or something we should be fighting about. Hell all of you are older then me but I have to be the adult here? For fucking shame. Let's leave them alone and if shit goes down then we can fight to all your hearts content. Glad to see your well (y/n). You left a lot of blood to clean up when you got here."

I smile at Hana as the small crowd begins to leave us. Some people stay and stare at us so as a precaution I'm not letting down the shield just yet.

"Thank you Hana, that was really nice of you."

She sheepishly runs the back of her neck before grabbing an apple from a basket.

"No problem man. Your my shopping buddy and I'm going to show you so many video games so we can be gaming buddies too. You're a really smart guy (y/n). I don't want to you to think you made the wrong choice."

Hana leaves as she takes a bite of the apple and goes off to who knows where. We get breakfast which is two plates of scrambled eggs(tofu scramble if you don't eat eggs), a cup of yogurt with what looks like peaches in it, and a cup with a small sticky note saying "help yourselves to anything in the fridge or coffee <3 ~Angela"

"Howdy (y/n). Been a while since we've talked."

"Oh! Hey Mcree, you scared me. What's up?"

Mcree chuckles before pouring himself a coffee and getting hot water ready in another coffee maker? How many do they have?

"Nothin' much. Just been waitin' for something to happen."

"Like what?"

Mcree shrugs his shoulders before getting a new cup and making a tea. He leaves with both cups as soon as he makes it how he likes it. I look at the shield before I focus again and make it able to be touched through. We grab our food Sombra makes herself a coffee and I get (preferred morning drink) and make our way to the living room. There not much room but we spot an empty chair next to the table right in front of the tv. We go the chair and I sit on the ground next to it.

"Don't you want to sit amor?"

"Take it. I don't mind."

Sombra sits down before going into deep thought. A bright smile and a shine to her eyes made me stop eating for a bit. How can one person be that precious?

"You can make yourself a chair! Or at least float yourself."

"You're a genius."

I quickly make a see though chair and a an extension to the table, I'm smiling like a dork because these powers are really helpful. We begin eating and watching the tv, nothing exciting just some weird rom com movie I'm not really paying attention to, until I hear a breaking news story.

"Hello viewers of Chanel 85 news I'm your reporter Jessica Romero, and we are coming to you live with a report of three felons being sent to maximum security prison from a recent attack that happened to the down town mall just last week. They go by the name talon and are unwilling to answer any questions we ask. We have however been able to identify one of them as Moira O'Deorain. We'll keep you updated with any new information we get."

I stare in shock at the tv. She was captured? No she'd never be captured. She let them take her, but why?

"Hey Sombra?"

"Yeah babe?"

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?"

I look at Sombra and see we have the exact same expression, but Sombra looks so pale like she knows something.

"God I wish I did. The last time I saw her was like two days ago. She saved me from Glenn's knife I passed out for a long time then I left to go find you."

I'm still unable to really understand what's happening until Sombra jumps up. Almost spilling her breakfast if I hadn't caught it.

"She wants to help. She wants to stop Glenn and whatever it is he's doing. If she stayed with talon she's never be able to do anything, but being caught by police means she'll be put in overwatches custody and then she won't have to worry about anyone telling talon of what she's doing. That-that has to be the reason."

"I find that hard to believe."

We turn around and I see the masked lady again, why is the living room empty? Where did everyone go?

"Moira is a sadistic bitch who didn't and doesn't care about anyone. She only wants what's best for herself and if that means hurting others then she'll do it. She's just a toned down Glenn."

"You shut your fucking mouth Loba! She might be unethical and fucked up when she does her experiments but she'd never hurt those who she has called family. You just knew her at the wring time!"

Loba laughs. A belly holding, probably tears falling down her face if she didn't have a mask, and hard breathing.

"Ahh kid, you don't know Moira. I was with her since the beginning I know who she is and who she cares about and if your not her she doesn't care about you. That's not why I'm here. (Y/n) we need to have a chat and to start intense training not only in your powers but in your hand to hand and weapon combat. By the time I'm done with you you'll know how to kill a man with your pinky."

Sombra grabs my arm as I look at "Loba" why does she seem familiar? Who cares about that right now, everyone who is from my past if fucked it and I don't need to deal with that.

"I'll train but not with you. Everything personal I have no idea who you are, why you know me, how you know me, or why I should care. I'll stick with my plan to train with 76 and anyone else whose willing to help me."

"Suit yourself kid, my offer will stand so if you want to actually train instead of playing pretended ill help you."

"Get away from us."

Loba gives us a peace sign before walking away. I grab Sombra's hand and go back to eating breakfast. What's to come? I don't even want to pretend like I know what's happening now.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now