The scientist and la loba

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~Moira's POV~
I work on my equipment as I think about the child (y/n). He's alive and his powers have become increasingly stronger, both the healing factor and the psychic abilities. Has he figured out what his other ability is? Or can I rest easy and pretend that the power will lay dormant. I'm pulled away from my thought as the laboratory door is slammed open.

"Moira. I think I know where Glenn is."

"No you don't Reaper. He won't come out of hiding until he's a hundred percent sure his experiment is alive."

"How do you know Glenn doesn't know his own kid is alive?! We figured out he was alive only a week ago! What makes you thing Glenn won't find out?!"

I growl before glaring at the wraith in front of me.

"Glenn doesn't give two shits about (y/n) because he isn't Glenn's blood child!"

My eyes grow wide as I quickly cover my mouth.


"I-it-Nothing. Just leave."

"You can't be serious Moira. What do you mean (y/n) isn't-"

"Just leave!"

Reaper stays still for a few agonizing seconds before heading out. I grab my head before putting away my chemicals. I look at the pink vile before closing the safe. A single tear falls down my face as I leave the lab.

I go to my room and sit in my bed. My head in my hands as I remember what Loba told me all those years ago.

"Moira. You do realize what joining Talon will accomplish. Right?"

"I understand. It's just, I don't care. Kathryn, can have a normal life working in Overwatch, but neither Glenn or I can. We can't advance if we don't see how humans function. Overwatch has proven to me that it will not assist me with my experimentsso I need to move on. I expect you do the same."

"HaHa. How 'bout no. I still can't help Talon since they literally murdered my family in front of me and made me the fucked up, killing machine bitch that I am now. But that's not what I'm worried about."

Her eyes scan over me as I get a scared feeling in my stomach.

"What I'm worried about Moira, is how Glenn, and now you, will start to do even more unethical things to your guinea pigs. I know you think that you need to take apart and put back together your subjects to see how they work, and yeah I'll admit that's sometimes the case, but making a living weapon? He's only a child, I don't think that's-"

"Enough Gabrielle. I don't have time to listen to your foolishness. I'm leaving tonight."

"You know what Moira?! Fuck you! I'm just trying to help you and probably save you from that fucker Glenn! He'll use you for your brain then when you've proven all that you can, he'll kill you, and when he does, I'm going to dance on your grave."

"Hmpt. Just try it, I'll love to see how someone like you ticks."

Her brown eyes glare daggers into my soul, and I feel a slight pain in my chest. Before either of us can say anything else I hear the door open. Commander Morrison and commander Reyes enter the room.

"Miss O'Deorain, Miss Jones. What's going on here?"

"Nothing commander Morrison. Nothing at all."

Gabrielle walks over to me and leans close to my ear before whispering something that made my blood run cold.

"The streets will run barren and red if you let Glenn take over. The monsters under the bed will hide from the monsters you've help create. They will destroy everything in sight....... even.... you."

I hold my head high acting as if her words didn't affect me.

"Miss Jones, what are you doing?"

"It's Loba Gabe."

And with that she takes her leave. I can feel the entire room build tension that made it harder to breath. I watch as both commanders go back to talking to each other. I go back to my book before I hear her voice booming in my head.

~end flashback~

It's been 15 years since I last heard from her, and she was right. Our first experiment with Glenn's oldest son proved that we needed to isolate each chemical before considering injecting it into any living creature. He killed 47 Talon agents and wounded twice or three times as many, I forgot which. But that child was the perfect specimen, if we hadn't had to kill him, we would have already have the weapon.

"Hmpf. It seems like you're getting out of touch O'Deorain."

Shock fills my system as I turn around. I see the brown eyes that have given me countless restless nights, and that have shown me that I can still fear.

"Loba. But I thought you were-."

Loba interrupts me with a monotone voice.

"I'm not physically here. It's just a little hologram I sent through your email to tell you something very important. So if you say anything to me I won't answer you."

I watch as she becomes more blue and I see that her body is shaking slightly. I nod my head as I rush to my door and lock it.

"You probably don't have much time, so I'll make this short. He's alive. Glenn (y/l/n) is alive and he's perfected the chemicals you two created for Jason (y/l/n). I think he's going to inject them into himself or he's going to find a test subject, all I know is that you need to find Angela and give her the antidote. She'll know how to stop him, even if it's just for a second. But here's the catch; if (y/n) is still alive, you need to figure out how to extract the Monster Type X from his DNA, or he'll do worse that what Jason did. You need to either send Angela this email so she can go find me or you need to send someone after me. The clock is ticking and your time is running out O'Deorain. Bye."

With that the hologram disappears and I'm left in my room with a computer I didn't know was even on. I growl before  leaving my room. I walk down the hallway before seeing Reaper threatening Sombra. I intervene and see Sombra has a distant look in her eyes. Without a second though I show her my lab chemicals. Even the one I perfected for (y/n). Her scared and worry filled look proved to me she would figure out where Glenn is. Perfect, maybe there's hope that we can save (y/n) from my mistakes all those years ago, and maybe we can finish off Glenn once and for all.

"I'm sorry Cathrin, I should have listened to you all those years ago."

Another tear rolls down my face as I'm left in my laboratory alone. The memories of the monster I created haunting my mind, and the horror filled thoughts of what will happen plaguing my soul.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt