A calm day

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Ok before we start this chapter, I know you can put things in google translate, but (y/n) doesn't care what sombras saying he just wants to see if he'd get a reaction like how you guys are commenting.

~(y/n) POV~
I stretch my shoulder as I look around my room. I have been prohibited to work with Soldier since the last incident, and I am under constant watch from Sam so I can't leave the base without him for a few days. I fall on my bed and cover my face with my arm, this isn't how I wanted to start my power training. The bed shifts and I get up ready to fight whomever was there.

"Hey cutie~. How ya doing?"

"Damn it Sombra you scared the life life outta me. I'm doing good, I thought you were doing that weird important thing?"

"I was, but that pinche pendeja, didn't give me enough information to do it. So now I'm just on a mini break."

I nod my head as I sit up and check my buzzing phone.

(Y/n), I'm going out to get Angela more medical equipment. Do not leave the base or I'll tie you to your bed. Stay safe -Sam

I feel Sombra lay her head on my shoulder and read my text. I don't mind, not like it's anything bad.

"So the bot has a name? Never thought his brand would still be usable."

"His brand? What are you talking about?"

She gives me a confused look as she moves from sitting next to me to walking around the room.

"You know? The 47-XA4 omnics? They were one of the newest created, but then someone stupid undid an important code and the omnics started to malfunction. Some 'died' and were reborn every time they tried to use any type of basic function, others had their entire motherboard change so they became less omnic and more robot or in worse cases they became mindless, and most went rogue and started to kill anything and anyone in their paths. Granted there were only 200 made before they had a factory shutdown. None of them should've made it."

I look to the roof as a gut wrenching feeling fills my system. Sombra must have known or just didn't want to talk about the omnics as she had started to talk about something really weird.

"Did you know Overwatch really doesn't have any good files on their computers? They probably figured out I'd find them so they made them paper. So Talon has all these files on Overwatch that are just cake recipes."

I look at Sombra's face as I get a bad migraine again. These have been happening ever since I saw Moira again. But this has to be the worst one.

"You ok? You need some medicine or something?"

"N-no. I just need to lie down, or preferably take a nap."

"Well then I'll leave you to sleep."


I force my eyes shut as I try to fall asleep but I can't because I hear a light beeping noise. A few minutes feels like forever as the pain subsides, but I hear Sombra answer her phone, which is weird because I though she left.

"Hola, que necesitas...Yeah. Wait What? You already found her.....Yeah but, how? She's been MIA since, you know......Oh. Heh, don't worry he doesn't suspect a thing. He still thinks I'm on his side. Honestly people are so easy to manipulate if you just say the right things. He's the biggest idiot I've ever met and all it took was to figure out a few simple facts about him."

My body stiffens. Was Sombra using me? Was I just her puppet? I try not to move as I continue to listen, hoping I was just making assumptions.

"Yeah. I know. Ok I know Talon like the back of my hand by this point and they haven't been doing experiments like that anymore....You mean Gabriel? Yeah he's a decent thing when he doesn't have a stick in his ass.......It's not like that, I have someone better I'd rather be helping than Talon........Moira knows I know about him, and she gave me all the information I needed to find her. It won't be long until I can finally leave them and not have to be in their debt. Talon won't know what hit 'em. Lo siento pero solo necestio toda la información que pueda obtener, es por eso que no me estoy uniendo a ti o Overwatch. Adios."

I hear a click and I feel the bed shift down as soft fingers move some hair from my face.

"Eres mi sol y te ayudaré sin importar lo que pase. Duerma bien."

I feel a soft kiss on my forehead and then I hear a weird noise. I open my eyes slightly to see if she was still here but I was alone. I go to the bathroom and look at my face in the mirror and I see a light purple kiss mark on my forehead.

"Does...does that mean she likes me?"

"(Y/n) are you in here?"

I quickly wipe my head and remove the lipstick. The doorknob shakes and the person begins to knock. Opening the door I come face to face with Zarya.

"H-hey Zarya. Ho-how are you?"

She squints her eyes at me before putting the back of her hand to my forehead and her other hand to her forehead.

"You have a fever. I'll take you to Ana."

"I'm fin-"

I can't finish my sentence as Zarya picks me up bridal style and takes me to the infirmary. A light blush litters my face as I try to reason with the Russian but she wasn't having it.

I sigh as I let her take me away but then it occurred to me.

"Why were you in my room?"

"Hm? Oh. That. Because I heard a voice of someone I would wish to make disappear off this planet. But you were the only person in your room so I must have been hearing things."

"Yeah you might have been. I was sleeping because Sam has me under house arrest haha."

"I do not trust that omnic."


I look at her expecting an answer but she goes really quiet. I'm about to ask again when she puts me down on a familiar white bed. I didn't realize we even entered the infirmary.

"Hello (y/n). What seems to be the problem?"

"O-oh! H-hi. Are you Ana?"

"Correct. Now what seems to be bothering you? Are you feeling ok or are you drained?"

"No I'm fine. But Zarya said I had a fever."

She gives me a thermometer and I put it in my mouth. It's uncomfortably quiet as we wait for the device to beep. As it beeps Ana takes it from me.

"99.3°(F). Yes your getting a fever. I want you to take this medicine before bed, two pills, and if you feel worse tomorrow then I want you to take two more, but if you feel even worse, you or someone else come to the infirmary to get you something stronger. It's nothing to serious but it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Thank you Ana."


She lightly waves at me as I hold the pills she gave me. I get a glass of water then go straight to my room, I take the pills and I close my eyes slowly. I fall into a deep sleep with an uneasy feeling that I may not wake up.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now