Cloudy day.

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~(Y/n) POV~
"So what are we going to do?"

"I wish I could tell you babe. I really do."

The sound of boots coming from the kitchen kinda takes me out of my trance. I look over and see Soldier without his visor and there's fear in his eyes.

"(Y/n). My office. ASAP, bring Sombra."

I shovel my food into my youth and quickly follow Soldier, floating Sombra so she can still eat. I really don't see anyone in the hallways. I make it to the office but now I really wish I didn't. Sitting down in front of me was her.

"Hello (y/n). How are you this fine morning?"

Before I can say anything Sombra jumps down from my hold and gets in Moiras face and starts yelling at her in Spanish.

"Moria! Cuál es tu problema! ¿Por qué diablos hiciste esta mierda? ¿En qué maldito mundo todo esto parece estar bien? Well?! Fucking answer me!"

"Good to see you too little one. I'd love to explain but I really don't. I just want to have a friendly chat with (y/n) and then I can-"

"¡Puta estúpida! ¡Vete a la mierda y déjalo fuera de esto! ¡Si te atreves a tocarlo, te mataré yo mismo!"

I'm barely able to hold Sombra back as she gets her gun and points it at Moira. Glad I'm not the only one who hates this bitch, but I do want to know what she has to say.

"Stand down Sombra."

How didn't I see Soldier sitting in the big chair? I grab Sombra's hand as I gently pull her back. Her arms drop to her sides and she drops her gun. I gently pull her into a hug as I glare at the bitch in front of me.

"I called you in here because we need to discuss your fath- I mean Glenn."

"He already explained that he's not my dad, thank god. What do you know that you were so willing to get captured by Overwatch."

Moira gives me a small smile before glaring behind me. I look back and see that Loba's here. I sigh as I see her stand in the back, she's trying to look cool but all this is doing is making her look like a jackass.

"Like I said, I want to have a little chat with (y/n). Alone."

"I'm not going anywhere. Just ask what you want to ask him."

I gently let go of Sombra and walk in front of Moira. I sigh, if I focus hard enough maybe...

"(Y/n) what are you doing?"

I make a bubble with only me and Moira inside, you can't see the outside and I can only assume you can't see the inside.

"Sombra can you hear me?"

"(Y/n)! What in fucks name are you doing! Get the hell out of there!"

"Can you hear me?"

"(Y/n) on the count of fucking three if you haven't taken down this bubble I swear to whatever god is listening I will-"

"You'll what kid?"

"¡Cierra la puta boca antes de que lo haga por ti!"

"I don't think she can hear you, but if you could make it so we can't hear them?"

I swallow a lump in my throat as I focus again, and this time all noise is gone. It's so unsettling.

"So let's cut to the point. I need you to help me take down Glenn. I know him, I know what makes him more or less tick, and I know of the only other copy of his notes. If we could get that copy we could defeat him with a minimal body count."

"How can I even think about trusting you? And what the fuck why did he seem like a fine dad until I was 6?!"

"That was your mothers doing. She was able to hire someone to implant a brain chip into Glenn. This stopped him from having his own thoughts. That is until Talon came and took it out. That's why I was the one to take him away, I persuaded him to follow me, then Talon was able to have their top scientists take out the chip. Afterwards Glenn and I worked together, but...."

"What happened?"

"There was an Overwatch attack, blew our facility. There were no survivors, or so we thought. I knew Glenn would've survived but I didn't think he'd be able to get funding to start his research again."

I look at my hands before I start grabbing at my head. Why the fuck, how the fuck, what the fuck!

"Even if you don't want to help me I'm going to help you. There's no antidote for what Glenn did to you, but there is a way for us to make you control it. Jason was able to do it and with everything you've shown me you can do I know you can accomplish it as well."

I stay silent as I weigh my options. On one hand I work with Moira, on the other I fight Glenn completely inexperienced and vulnerable. She might just give us the advantage we need. God why does this all feel fake.

"....we can work together. Under two conditions; you work supervised 24/7 without complaints, and if you even try anything I'll blow your brains out from the inside out."

"It's a deal."

Moira holds her hand out for me and I shake it. Her skin feels cold to the touch. I let go of her before letting the bubble evaporate. I look around and see 76 is holding Sombra back and Loba is clutching her arm. I don't say anything as I pick up Sombra and walk out of the room.

"What happened babe?"

I stay quiet as I hold Sombra to my chest as I let myself go into autopilot to my room.


"Sombra please. Just let me hold you for a bit. I want to pretend this isn't real for a second, that it's just you and me. Not this fucked up story."

Sombra shifts and wraps her arms around my neck as we finally reach my room. I lay us both down before nuzzling myself into Sombra's chest. I listen to her heart beat as it pulls me to sleep.

"Felices sueños, mi amor."

I close my eyes as I try and sleep the day away, maybe this is all a nightmare that I'll wake from.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now