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~Loba's POV~
I hold onto (y/n)s limp body as he continues to bleed from his neck. What's with Glenn and cutting necks? Sighing I try to keep his blood on his clothes which is almost impossible. It's seeping from his clothes and is now almost gushing to the floor.

"Fuckin a kid. How good is your healing factor? You should've bleed out since before getting here. At least they didn't really change the Overwatch layout since the recall."

I drag the unconscious boy to the med bay, trying to be quick and quiet. A trail of blood following us. I'm barely able to turn a corner before I hear a loud, angry, and familiar voice.


I would've laughed if I wasn't in such a rush. Finally I see the doors. I kick the door open, see an empty bed, lay (y/n) down, then lock the doors. If Angela is as focused in her work as when we were younger she should she in here.

"Angela! I need your help!"

I hear the pitter patter of heels on the floor, nice she's here.

"Who in the world are y-"

Her eyes grow wide, probably because of seeing (y/n) like this and seeing me after all these years.

"Sam! I need your help!"

I move out of the way, an omnic comes to the room and starts grabbing things probably to clean and sterilize the wound. I go to a corner to sit down on the floor and put my head in between my legs, closing my eyes I relax enough to take a nap.

~time skip~

I wake up with a jerk as I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look over and see Angela is giving me a soft smile.

"Hey Gabbi, everything's ok. (Y/n) is going to make a full recovery. I'm going to ask you a few questions now, can you answer them honestly for me please? How did you get in? How do you know (y/n)? What's going on that made you come out of hiding?"

"No games Huh? Not even a hi? Not that I blame you, so where to start, I'm out of hiding since Glenn's on the loose again, I know of (y/n) because of a double agent of talon, and what was your last question?"

Angela gives me a playful but serious glare.

"What made you come out of hiding."

"Sorry Angie couldn't hear ya, sorry my tinnitus is acting crazy right now. Where's (y/n) I want to check up on the boy."

"You always do this you know. You never say anything about yourself. I'm not getting anything out of you am I? Follow Sam, he'll show you where (y/n) is. His healing factor is acting erratic so I'd be best if no one bothered his body naturally fighting off whatever was put into it."

Angela points me to the omnic who even with limited expression ability was giving me the dirtiest glare.

"Follow me, and if anything happens I'm going to have to take your life. Your choice ma'am."

I chuckle as I follow Sam. Seems like these defective ominics aren't that bad.

~Sombra's POV~
Has Overwatch always been this defenseless? I'm just able to walk through the front gates, there's nothing here to stop anyone from just walking in and take whatever they want. I'm not here to take anything. Just here to visit a doctor with a reputation of an Angel.

"Jesus fuck, it's going to take forever to clean this blood."

"I know, but realistically this isn't a shock considering we're in Overwatch."

"We're not payed enough to deal with this shit."

I smile as I walk past the two grunts cleaning the blood and follow it to what I presume is the medical bay.

The doors are locked but I'm able to see Loba talking with Angela through the small glass window. Angela looks so tired like she hasn't slept for a few days. Angela's smiling but there's something not quite right about it. Loba leaves with Sam and Angela walks over to the door. She unlocks it before going back to her computer to do more research probably.

"Sometimes I don't even know why I bother with that girl. Coming and going as she pleases. If it wasn't for Sam I wouldn't even know what was going with (y/n). What does she think this place is?"

"A safe haven from people who want her head I'm guessing."

Angela turns around her eyes grow wide at me and she looks as if she's going to scream. Can't have that. I rush at her, take her down, and put my hand on her mouth to keep her from yelling for anyone.

"Ok I know this looks bad believe me everything has gone to shit these last few days, but I promise you I'm not here for talon I'm here for (y/n) no more and no less. Just... please let me be here for him... I-I don't know why I'd do without him. You don't have to believe me, but god damn it you have to trust me."

I feel the side of my head start to hurt as I fall I over. My head is thudding as I look at Angela's hand, this jerk hit me with a fucking book.

"Why should I even think to trust you?! You're a menace to society and a criminal!"

I glare at her as I feel pure rage fill my blood.

"I said I don't care! Stupida pendeja! I don't care about you or what Overwatch thinks of me! I fucking care about (y/n)! That fuckup Glenn hurt him and now I'm going to help stop him!"

"Get the hell out of here! Why don't you just-"

We hear the door being opened ever so slowly. A mangled mess of (y/h/c) and an I.V tube slowly go though the door.

"S-sombra. What are you-why are you- are you ok?"

(Y/n) looks so weak.

"You're supposed to be resting (y/n)."

"Couldn't. I heard a familiar voice, didn't want her to get in trouble. Sombra's my friend. She's good."

Good. He thinks I'm good. Maybe just maybe..

Angela glares at me as (y/n) takes my hand and takes me to where I think Loba and Sam kept him. We go to a medical room, it's white and baby blue colors are a bit off putting after seeing so much red.

"Sam is recharging somewhere and the masked lady left. Don't have to worry 'bout them for a bit."

He lays down on his bed and reaches for me. A light blush reaches my face as I comply, move around his tubes so we wouldn't move anything, and lay down next to him. I finally feel how exhausted I am. I close my eyes and go to the calmest sleep I've ever had in years.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant