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~(y/n) POV~

I hold my head as I empty my stomach. Third time tonight I get up to vomit. I woke up with a headache that turned to me getting fully sick. When I'm finished I get up clean up the toilet, wash my hands, and brush my teeth. I hobble out the bathroom, using the wall as a crutch, to the bed. I can't even lay down as I feel another wave of nausea come over me. I can barley hold it down as I sit up. A soft knock comes from the door. It's 2:46 am who could be awake at this time?

"W-Who is it?"

"It's me Sam. Can I come in?"


Sam walks into the room with medicine and tea. His robotic eyes hold worry but his voice stayed calm.

"(Y/n). I uh heard you were sick so I brought some things to ease your pain."

"Thanks Sam. It's just seeing Moira again and what she said made me feel.... I don't know, scared? Uncomfortable? Hurt? All three?"

"I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Yes-no-I-I'm not sure. It's just she said I had some other power or something that my dad made in his style."

Suddenly everything hits me at once. I hold my head, my vision becoming blurry, my whole body starts to twitch, and it becomes harder to breath. I try to breath, but every time I take a breathe in my body can't handle letting it out. I fall to my knees as I feel every pain imaginable in my body yet everything is numb. I can't hear anything other than a white noise that gets louder and louder the more I try to ignore it.

"St-stop. Leave me alone! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD! P-please just sto-stop."

I curl up and hold my head tighter, tears streaming down my face. Sam rushes up to me but I can't stop the noise. I can't stop this agony. I let out a scream but no noise comes out.

~Sam POV~

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Hey, hey it's ok. What the hell's going on. Fuck what do I do? What do I-um-uh-Angela! She'll know what to do."

I pick (y/n) up and run to the medical wing. I almost break the door before letting it fully open. The moment I make eye contact with Angela she almost scolds me until she sees (y/n).

"Mein got! What happened?"

"I-I don't know. He just seemed sick so I got him medicine to help him but then he broke down when he mentioned this person. What was their name, Laila, Maddy? Um. Oh! Moira."

Horror spreads across her face but that soon leaves her features as she quickly directs me to put (y/n) down. She doesn't say anything as she goes to her desk and breaks a glass container and holds up a needle.

"Ok Samuel. I need you to keep (y/n) still no matter vhat. verstanden?"

I nod my head as I hold him down. His twitching and he started to blubber incoherently about something. Angela then grabs the needle and plunges it into his chest.


She infects a pinkish purple liquid into (y/n) as he begins to stop his twitching but tears still fall down his face.

"Shh shh. (Y/n) it's ok. Shh. Glenn and that woman aren't going to hurt you anymore. You're safe."

"PLEase. M-make it s-stop. Don't let them near me. please.."

He finally calms down and falls asleep. I look over at Angela with confusion as she sighs.

"Angela. Why do you have that syringe just laying around?"

"*sigh* When I was a young operative in Overwatch I worked alongside a scientist who did awful experiments with her partner. They had done everything they could to themselves but then that wasn't enough. They started to experiment on rea-*sniffle*on real people and then their final experiment was on-it was on a*sob* it was on a baby! I *hic* couldn't stop them and I-and I just *sob*"

She covers face as she breaks down. Awkwardly I hold her in a soft embrace as she sobs on my shoulder.

"It's alright Angela. Take deep breaths and calm yourself. It's ok."

Nodding her head I wipe away her tears as she composed herself.

"I *hic* grabbed their n-notes and read how he would have spasms and how to m-make something t-to help him."

"Let me guess. Scientists name was Glenn (y/l/n) and you only realized (y/n) was his son after I talked about Moira or when you learned his last name was (y/l/n)?"

"W-wait (y/n)'s his son?!
Wie könnte jemand das ihrem Kind antun?"

I don't say anything as she sighs again. She leans onto me as she whimpers softly.

"I still have the notes Sam. The things they did to him. How they just injected the child with-with these things. It just.*sigh* makes me angry that I shared the same lab with these people."

"I know it's hard Angela. It's more than anyone could ever consider to understand, or to even dream of."

She doesn't say anything as she gets up to grab a packet of papers and hands them to me. She leans on me again as I begin to read the first page.

Subject name: (y/n) or Subject 476

Age: 3.4 months old

New abilities: healing factor,psychic abilities, and Monster type X.

Physical and mental problems with subject: Subject 476 has been experiencing mild to severe headaches and has been using his abilities in his sleep. He cannot be let out until we are 100% positive that he will not go on another rampage without a cure for the Monster type X ability he received.

Long term effects: healing will take place immediately after inflicted wound, psychic abilities activate with emotion but can be trained to be used at will, and Monster type X is undefined on its long term effects.

I glare at the paper as I feel my nonexistent blood start to boil. What the hell did they do to him and how the hell are we going to help him. I look over to (y/n) as I feel sorrow for him. He's been the closest thing to friend I've had in years and mark my words I will find a way to help him. I continue to read.

~Narrator POV~
Unknown to the omnic another person was reading the paper behind his back. Sombra had to used every ounce of her will not to intervene with (y/n) and now she's learning something she never knew, and it's not only intriguing her but now it's making a hatred for the one Talon calls healer. What will become of (y/n) and what will Sombra do with newfound information? Only time will tell, but some things may need to be left a secret........for now.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now