Me a monster? Thank you for noticing.

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~? POV~
I growl as I try to convince myself that whatever's happening isn't happening.

"See? I told you she couldn't handle it. We can't keep on doing this until we make sure all factors can be accounted for and a plan has been made for any unfavorable outcome."

"I know, I know. I'm just being impatient. This will be the greatest thing ever to have existed. It's a shame all of them weren't compatible, but we cannot let these setbacks ruin all of our progress."

I look at the sludge on the floor that once was a human. Their body couldn't handle the experiment so the hosts body lost its form. I look over my notes and try to figure out what Cathrin had in her DNA that made her children unaffected by the serum. I sigh as everything comes back the same. Nothing to help further my research. A soft voice grabs my attention.

"Sir? We think we have a possible lead to Miss Cathrin's location."

"Send someone after her then. Once we get her, we can finally stop losing all of our specimen so quickly."

"Understood sir."

My smile grows as I feel like something is finally going to go my way. I, Glenn (y/l/n), will finally be able to make the perfect specimen, but first I need to find the perfect reject, my "second" born son (y/n). It'll be fun to see him after all these years.

~Sombra POV~
It takes me some time to reverse the holographic email to its original source, but after 19 hours it has been done. I go to the area and find it's an abandoned house with no sign of life for miles. I go into the building and see, nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was unnerving how the walls were bare and clean and the floor had no dirt, as if someone has been keeping this place as clean recently. A familiar feeling of a gun pressed against my head makes me tense up. I look over and see a woman figure with a mask covering her entire head.

"So, whoever you are, you must be pretty smart to be able to find me. Let me let you something, you've earned my respect but not my mercy, if you have any last words say them now before I spill your brains on the floor."

In a panic I say the only thing that's been plaguing my mind for the last few days.

"I want to help (y/n)."

She hesitates her words, almost like she wants to say something, but only for a second. When she does talk it sounds almost too monotonous for a human, almost robotic.

"Ok that's a honorable thing to do, too bad you won't be able to."

I turn invisible before she can realize what happened I punch her in the throat leaving her gasping for breath and dropping her gun. I turn visible, grab her gun, and point it at her head.

"You listen here bitch I'm going to help (y/n) (y/l/n) and fix him from whatever that psychopath did to him!"

In her gasps for breath she starts to cough like she's trying to talk. I keep the gun pointed at her as she regains her composer. After a few short minutes she's finally able to make some sense.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Di-did, Did you say, *deep breath* Did you just say (y/l/n)?"

I just nod my head as she gets up to her full height.

"The-then Moira sent you. Heh, the stupid bitch still can't do her own dirty work. Well if your here to help a kid of Glenn then you might not be that bad. So when's Moira getting here? When I get the pleasure of seeing the snake again?"

"She's not coming."

"Oh? That changes my plans but not for the worst. If you don't intend on double crossing me then we can work together."

I put the gun to my side but don't let it go. I watch her go to a corner of the room and a red screen came up, she put in a code and the ground around her moved up.

"Come on kid! Unless you want to burn along with the house."

I rush to where she is a weird sensation of my entire body feeling everything but nothing all at once. Just as it happened it stopped.

"We're here."

I open my eyes and see it's an average house, it has a small white picket fence, a weird plastic flamingo next to the door, and a big apple tree.

"Nice place you got Loba."

"I know right? My grandma bought this house when she first came to Liechtenstein, she and grandpa had to do lots of maintenance on it but it was worth it."

I continue to look at the house until she grabs my arm and takes me inside. The house barely has any furniture, just enough to show someone lived here. The house didn't have any type of dust or dirt.

"Are you a germaphobe?"

"Possibly. I just hate when things are dirty and I can do something about it, but if I can't do anything I can tolerate it."

She keeps on dragging me to new rooms each just as bare as the last, it seems like she got a bit lost until Loba opens what looks like a broom closet and I see an elevator contraption.

"Ok let's go to my room. It's in the basement. Before you ask I made the room because I didn't want people to find my work."

"What work?"

She stops just for a moment I saw her almost crumble, but as quickly as it happened she went back to normal.

"Let's just go girly. I don't have-"

I growl at her as I point the gun at her.

"Llamame asi otra vez te atrevo."

"Entonces dime tu nombre niña."

I stare at Loba as she turned to me I can't help but laugh, after almost a week of being fearful of losing someone I care about I finally have a chance to help him but I still hate to be talked down to.

"You ok miss..."

"Sombra. You can call me Sombra."

We get into the elevator and she presses the only button. It's an awkward silence for the whole ride but I didn't want to break it. I just wanted to know what the hell was going to happen now.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now