Answers that didn't have questions.

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~(y/n) POV~

I jolt as I feel the needles prick my arms. I look to my side and see that woman smirking at me. I can move as I look over and I see my da-as I see Glenn looking over me. I can see his (e/c) eyes looking at me with a statistic glint and something else but I can quite put my finger on it. Then everything turned red. Blood started to slide down the walls and drip from the ceiling. I look around but I can only see red. I look at Moira only to be met with a pale black eyed being who only stared at me. I couldn't do anything but look into its eyes as it stared into my soul.

"Hello (y/n)~ long time no see~."

The being soon started to circle around me. The red of the room started turning black as I saw the jagged rows of teeth it had.

"After all this time I though they cured you. Don't worry you'll be cured someday soon."

"What the fucking hell are you?!"

"Tsk tsk. That's no way for a child like yourself to speak," the thing slowly caress my face as I finally see it's a guy. Wait he looks Not exactly like me but he looks older, wiser, and he looks more like mom.

"Correct (y/n). I look like you, more accurately You look like me."


"To put it in terms a child like yourself would understand, I'm someone who was on this earth before you from the same parents."

Before I could question anything, I stare in horror as I see his limbs start to stretch and break as he crawled in the dark like a spider. He escapes from my vision but now his voice is booming in my head.

"You see (y/n). Father wanted to make the perfect soldier. Quick to kill and never question his or step-mummies ways. But then mother found out what he did, what he made you. She got angry and took you away before he could finish conditioning you but side affects soon started to shape her way of thinking. The voices soon became too much so she hid you from the world so father wouldn't find you. She erased you from the world so he'd never find you again, but now that Moira knows you're alive you need to train. Train yourself so you can control all three of your powers."

Suddenly the darkness dissolved and I'm left in a lab of some sorts. I look at where the guy had left to but in his place stood a child, no more than eight.

"Don't fail me please. I already failed mother. Good luck on your journey (y/n)."

He starts to disappear but I yell out to him.

"Wait! Who are you really?!"

He looks at me, tears falling from his face.

"I'm Jason, your brother who couldn't be saved from the mad man. I just want to make sure you live so mom doesn't have to worry anymore."

I stare in shock as he fully dissolves into the air. I look around the lab until I hear his childlike voice again.

"Be warned brother. Father knows of a way to make you the monster he tried to make me. The beast I showed you was literally what he made me. I'm not sure what yours looks like but I can assure you, it will be more horrific than mine."

"Why are you telling me this? Why now?"

"Because now is the time you need to be you, not what dad wants or what mom wants, but what you want to be. You need to remember that life will not always go your way, you may be kicked to the ground and you may not want to get back up, but you need to be strong. You need to take back the life they took from you. You need to remind them why they should fear you."

He holds out his hand to me as I take it. The whole room become pure white as I feel Jason slipping away.

"Don't believe their lies and keep her close. She's the one who'll save you from yourself brother. Until next time."

I try to as who but my voice is gone. The white of the room becomes unbearable as I cover my eyes. When I uncover then I look around and see I'm in the medical room at the base.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake. You gave us quite the scare (y/n)."

Sam looks at me but my mind runs wild. A brother who dad experimented on before me? Who's the 'she' that will save me? And why did Jason just appear now?


"Hm? Oh yeah Sam?"

"Are you ok? You seem more out of it than when you were asleep."

"It was-it was just my dream. Nothing to worry about."

Sam doesn't ask any further questions but he does give me some food and water. We begin to talk about what happened while I was unconscious but Jason's voice echoed in my mind. Should I trust this dream or is it just another hallucination? One thing's for sure, it feels as if my world is breaking apart everyday I learn more about myself.

Was it really a good decision to leave my old home? Would any of this happen or did I screw myself over wanting to leave? So many questions, so few answers.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now