Understand who you are to better yourself.

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~(y/n) POV~
"Sam. You know I'm fine now right?"

I look at the omnic at my side but he doesn't say anything, he just helps me any chance he can get, which you would think be nice until he never lets me do anything in my own. He has been forcing me to not use any of my abilities and has been fighting Soldier to not have be test my psychic abilities which I don't understand why. I look over at him and see he has a file of some sorts.

"I'm just doing this for a few reasons, none of which I shall go into detail about."

I roll my eyes before I see a name on the file. "Subject 476".....why.......why does that sound so......familiar?

"Where did you find that file Sam?"

"It's none of your concern."

"Answer the question Sam."

"If you insist, from Doctor Angela. She told me to analyze it for scientific reasons."

My eyes narrow and I walk a bit closer to my oblivious friend. With little resistance I'm able to snatch the file from his hands and make a run for it. I run for 10 minutes straight, getting a good head start and finding an abandoned closet. I open the closet door and to my luck there's only two cans of paint on the floor.

"Now file, lets see who or what you're talking about."

I look at the subject's name and my blood runs cold. It's for.....me. I continue to read and see what exactly my other ability is, my "Monster Type X". I can't even begin to explain how angry I got when I began to read about the experiments. To do those goddamn things to a child?! To take everything away and then rewrite it's life to your own custom design? It makes you think, these were real people who did those horrible things, and they succeeded with all the experiments once, maybe they succeeded with another person, am I not the last experiment.


I get a text which scares the living daylights out of me. I look at my phone and see it's Sombra. I feel a smile tug at the corners of my lips.

Hey hermoso ;) just checking in to see if you're alright.

Hey Sombra. Yeah I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?

I just got a gut feeling. I was probably wrong but it never hurts to check. Gtg I have an important mission to do today. See you soon amore.

Still don't understand what your Spanish words mean but hope you accomplish whatever it is you need to do.

I put my phone away and I continue to read the data. Some parts are scribbled on and others seem to be torn out, making it almost impossible to read it fully. I skim over the parts talking about my healing factor and psychic abilities because I pretty much know all I need to know, but Monster type X?

September, 28
Monster type X is a chemical concoction that was created with multiple DNA parts of feral and non feral beasts. It is unknown what 476 will turn into for all other experiments have turned into something different. 476 was compatible with the serum at first but because of some unseen medical factors was not able to process similar results like subject 425. 476 is more unstable than any other subject because of this medical factor, and must be kept on constant supervision. If subject 476 is able to control—than—full control—no—feral.
Subject 476 has been taken by his biological mother before we could finish our experiments. He is now missing and will be pronounced dead within the week if Doctor (y/l/n) has found out about his maternal mother on the lab premises.
March, 23
Subject 476 is pronounced dead when we found his blood and hair in the meat pile in the laboratory. Mrs (y/l/n) is also pronounced dead because of unknown causes.
March, 24
Subject 476 was a failure, with further investigation we have determined that 476

I feel so many emotions fill my body as I finish reading this damned file. I never asked to be this freak, but here we are. I turn the page to finish reading it, but the entire last page is scribbled on with black and blue ink, as if someone didn't want whatever was typed out to be read again.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?!"

I hear Sam's voice through the surprisingly thick door. I get out of the closet, the file a bit crumpled because of how hard I held it. I calmly walk over to Sam, who rushes at me and embraces me in a surprisingly warm hug. He pulls away and starts to firmly but calmly talk to me.

"(Y/n), there you are! I've been worried sick!"

I turn my head, confusion filled my system.

"Why were you worried I was only gone 10-30 minutes tops."

"Heh, no. You were gone for 5 hours. You didn't answer your phone, we didn't see you on the security cameras, and you weren't in your room. So naturally we started to panic."

I didn't even realize how fast time seemed when I was reading that file. I look at San who then looks down at the file.

"So, I'm assuming you read everything that could be read."

"Yeah...I..I did. I still can't see why you didn't want me to read the file though Sam."

I see Sam shift uncomfortably and rub the back of his neck. I patiently look at him and await an answer.

"I-I, *sigh* I was trying to save you from the bitter reality of why you're still alive, why you have your powers. It seemed fitting to me that, despite everything you were put through as a baby, you could make these powers your own and not live up to what you were supposed to do."

"What I was supposed to do? What was I supposed to do? All I got from this file was that I gave an unstable ability that, if trained properly, I could control it and use it for my own advantage. And you know what Sammy, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to train my abilities so they not only don't hurt me, but also that I can use them in command."

"I'll help you train (y/n). Until you're able to use your abilities without hurting yourself that is. If you'll let me."

"Of course I'll let you Sam. I trust you more than anyone here. Heres the file back, I'm going to the cafeteria to eat."

I give back the file and with a new found confidence I walk away with my head held high and my spirits higher. I'll show Moira and Talon that I won't become a monster bent in destroying the world.

~Sam's POV~
I look at the crumbled file and feel guilty. A gentle hand touches my shoulder and without looking I already know who it is.

"So Samuel. When are you going to tell him?"

"Never. You don't understand Angela, he can't know what he truly is. Not yet at least."

"Sam, you can't just lie to him about the last page. You need to tell him, before it's too late."

"I won't need to tell him, he would never believe me anyways. I'll just find the one person he would believe, his mother."

"You know even though (y/n) is with us, she's still off the grid. We can't find her, and you're the only other person I know he would trust. So please, before he has to hurt anymore, tell him the truth."

"I will. I just need to find the right time to tell him."

How do you tell someone they're not really related to their father? How do you explain to someone that they aren't birthed?

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now