News, good or bad?

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(Y/n) POV
I wake up in the white room again. Damn I thought that was just a dream and I would be in that ally. I groan as I get up from the bed to fall on the ground. I accidentally stepped on the omn- Sam I accidentally stepped on Sam's foot.

I try to get up but my whole body feels like it has pins and needles every where, especially my chest. I try again only to fall back down so I give up. Someone's bound to come to the room to help me. After about 20 minutes I feel something picking me up. Looking to the side I see Sam was powered on and with a playful look in his robotic eyes.

"Never speak of this with anyone."

He chuckles but nods his head. He fully picks me up and puts me on the bed again. I'm sitting down and trying to figure out why I hurt all over then I remember what happened yesterday. Before I can say anything to Sam about what he remembers the door opens and this woman who I think is the doctor.

"Ah! Your awake. My name's Angela I'm your doctor. How are you feeling."

Blushing I quietly say "I'm doing fine. I just feel numb all over my body and my chest hurts more than the rest of my body. My name's (y/n) by the way."

Nodding she then grabs a clipboard and asks me more questions that don't seem to be for what happened.

"Have you ever been injured like this before?"


"Did you ever get experimented on to have your body enhanced."


"Do you remember your entire childhood in perfect detail?"

"No. Why are you asking me these questions?"

"Well, if you must know. You seem to have a healing factor that saved your life so I was wondering if you knew how you got this power."

I look at her for a solid two minutes, not blinking but trying to process what she said.

"So I have powers that I never new about?"

"Yes but we thought you did know about them. In any case we were wondering if you wouldn't mind training with us for a while to see if you have any other powers."

"And tell me why I should believe you?"

She sighs and points to my bandages. "You had a bullet go through your chest and you didn't die from blood lose or from the impact of the bullet going into your heart."

I looked over at her as she gives me a reassuring smile and pats my shoulder. Again I groan as I put my face in my hands. I  nod my head slowly. This will probably be better then living on the streets.

"Alright and if you don't mind there are a few members of the team I would like to introduce you to."

I look at my legs wondering if they would work right but before I could even think of a way to tell her, Sam picks me up and starts to follow Angela out the room.

"S-Sam! Put me down! I can walk!"

"No you can't. Your legs cannot handle the weight of your body just yet. You need to either be carried or be put in a wheelchair for the next 24 hours, and before you tell me to get a wheelchair there aren't any in the area, I checked."

I hit Sam in a softly but I don't complain anymore. Angela starts to talk to us about what we did before *this*.

"So (y/n) what have you done?"


"Well were you going to school, or do you have a job of some sorts. Things like that." She looks over at me sweetly but I have to think about it.

"I was homeschooled for my entire life because my mom was a certified teacher for the common core subjects, but she worked as something else to pay the bills. I was tried to move out after I could drive but she literally chained me to my bed until I stopped having those thoughts, so I ran away from home. I never had a job because my mom said that I could just stay at home and act like the man of the house since my dad left her. She wanted to feel useful to someone but she only fueled my rage."

Angela looked at me with concern but she didn't say anything about it. She then tried to have a conversation with Sam about what he was doing before.

"So Sam, what where you programmed for?"

"Beats me I just remember waking up in a building that was probably making illegal robots, then a few years later I'm thrown into the world to see I could survive in my own, and finally (y/n) saves my life from the Muertos gang."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's in the past and you can either learn from it or you can keep making the same mistakes over and over again."

She nods her head as they continue walking. It wasn't long until we reached a lounge area. I see three people there; a woman with brown hair and eyes, a pink and blue jumpsuit, and Doritos, then a man with dreadlocks in a ponytail, roller skates, and he has music playing by him, and an omnic that was floating off the ground, he also had these spheres floating around his neck like a necklace. The girl and the guy are playing a video game, it looks like it just came out.

Sam quietly sets me down in the nearest chair. Angela then grabs their attention from the game.

"Everyone this is (y/n). He will be joining the team for a short time. Please treat him with the same respect that you have for the other agents."

The first to greet me is the boy. "Hey dude my name's Lucio. It's a pleasure to meet you." He shakes my hand and I feel like I've heard of him before but I can't remember where.

The girl walks over to me with a bounce in her steps. "Hiya my name's Hana but you can call me if you want." She smiles at me shakes my hand but then rushes towards the game.

The omnics last to greet me. "Greetings I am Zenyatta. It's a pleasure to meet someone who cares for everything equally." Zenyatta just waved at me and I awkwardly wave back.

"Y-yeah it's nice to meet all of you as well. I j-just wanted to say I hope that we can become friends for the time that I'm here."

They all smile at me except Zenyatta because of his lack of facial expressions. I then walk over to their little area, it hurt like a thousand needles, but I force my self to wobble. I don't need Sam to pick me up, I can do this by my self. I fall on the couch next to Lucio who starts to laugh at my attempt of walking. His mistake because Hanna beat him at what ever they were playing. Lucio hangs his head in defeat as all of us start either laughing or just smiling.

Maybe this place won't be so bad.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now