More about (y/n)

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We've been flying for about 5 hours and since then we've learned a lot about each other. Hanna is actually the worlds best gamer, she's from Korea, and she joined Overwatch to protect her people.(if I get these facts wrong please tell me) Lucio is the international Dj whose music gave people hope and forget their troubles during the omnic crisis, and he even stole Vishkar's sonic technology. I slightly chuckled at that because he seems so innocent but as long as he's doing it for a good cause. Finally Zenyatta whose a monk from the Nepal temples, he hopes for a world that accepts omnic and humans as equals, he hopes for a better and brighter future in our world, one without hate for what you are and one where love is unconditional.

"So (y/n) what's your story?" Hanna was on her third bag of Doritos and on her fifth bottle of Mountain Dew but somehow she didn't have anything on her face.

"Well uh, what do you want to know?"

Zenyatta piped up and asked, "Well what about how your family was before this or why you're deciding to stay."

I rub my (h/c) hair and think about it. What do I tell them, my family's been falling apart since I was able to go to school, then I remembered the stories they told me when I was a baby.

"Well to start off my parents. My mom was born and raised in Germany and she wanted to join the Crusaders when she turned 25 but she reconsidered the idea when she had a dream where she was slapped by her mom and dad telling her not to go so she didn't. My dad was.... he was something else. He was born in Australia but he left after the whole radiation thing to live in somewhere that was 'normal' but that really couldn't happen until he lived in Junker Town for 9 years, he left to wander the world then he met my mom and they moved to Dorado to start a family and I was born." I take a deep breath as Lucio slowly raises his hand. I nod to him as he starts to talk.

"Well if your parents are from places with thick accents why don't you have a thick accent?"

"Good question sir and it has a logical explanation. You see my mom never spoke to me as a child so I wouldn't inherit her accent and my father was always at work to provide for us. In all honesty I can only talk because of those old ass kid shows from like 2004 in Spanish and even then my accent is a weird American accent when I was born in Dorado, but whenever I start cursing my Australian accent starts which is pretty funny. I can also talk the Australian slang but most of the time I don't know what I'm saying."

"Huh that's weird and cool but why didn't your mom want you to have her accent?"

I shrug my shoulders "My mom hated how her German accent sounded with Spanish and English so she left me to learn how to talk with my dad, who never really tried to teach me anything other than, and I quote 'it's pie time you stop'. He really liked puns."

Hanna and Lucio fell on the floor laughing as Zenyatta starts to giggle. Weird I never thought it was that funny but eh.

"Ok so when you guys are done laughing I'm going to talk about my personal life from year 6 to 22."

They suddenly stop laughing and focus only on me. I take a deep breath as I try to figure out how to explain it.

"So when I turned seven, my mom started to home school me. She was my teacher up until I turned 18 when I 'graduated', and she never said that she was proud or not so I always assumed I wasn't good in her class so I started to do high school work when I was 13 but it wasn't enough so I started to do college courses online when I turned 19 to show her that I could be better than what she thought," I shift uncomfortably in my seat as I feel all their gazes turn to sadness. "and during 'school' my mom never let me have friends unless she picked them for me which were always these nice people and omnics but I never really felt like I had a friend until I met my online friend. She was the best friend anyone could ask for, she was like the mom I never had and the best friend I always wanted, but she passed away from a shooting. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time I guess."

I look around and see they had almost stopped breathing and the room became so quiet I swear I could hear the engines.

"But she helped learn that she might have left this world but I know she's still watching over me."

Zenyatta suddenly points his finger at me and a yellow orb forms above my head. It feels as if the whole world is working together in harmony and my spirits are brought up 1000% just from this.

"Thank you Zenyatta."

He nods his head at me as I continue my story.

"Now where was I....Oh right um after that my mom suddenly became a prison guard and never let me leave the house for some reason. She started to become paranoid of everything so she sometimes chained my door shut. She would always do things that would probably get her arrested or dead because of my dad. He told her to live on the wild side every now and again but then he started to make her do illegal things before she had me so she just wanted to protect me. I promised myself that if I ever meet my dad I'm going to kick his ass for hurting my mom."

My heart starts to race but I still don't feel like hurting anything. I start to chuckle to myself as I put my head in my hands. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see it's Hanna. She softly smiles to me and I smile back.

"That's my story. It seems awful but there were tilted that I was actually happy with my mom. When I get this powers thing sorted out I'm going to tell her she can't control me but she can still be apart of my life."

Lucio and Zenyatta nod their heads as Hanna grins at me. I get up from the seat to feel my legs aren't going to give out this time. We all get up except for Zenyatta because he's floating and we just stretch out our muscles. As I started to sit down again this gorilla comes into the room. It has glasses on, it's fur looks like a weird blue, and holy simoly it can talk.

"76 wanted me to tell you guys we've reached the base so stop whatever you're playing and get ready to land. Oh hey you must be the new guy, I'm Winston." He holds his hand out to me as I questionably shake it. "Welcome aboard to the Overwatch team." He leaves the room as everyone gathers their belongings. No one is fazed about the gorilla, I won't mention anything. I quickly turn Sam on as we head for the new chapter to our lives.

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