Barely human

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Pistol on top is how Glenn's pistol looks but the top is glowing a dark green along with a swirling line on the handle.
~Sombra's POV~
My eyes widen as I watch that monster slash (y/n)'s throat. (Y/n)'s eyes started flashing from his gorgeous (e/y/c), to black, to pure red. His body started to ooze out black sludge and it slowly took over his being, it just stayed away from his head. He was in so much more pain because of the weird blade Glenn had on his pistol, maybe it had an acid on it? Without much thought I move my arm ready to hack (y/n), but before I can do anything I think for a second, will I kill him if I hack him? Will his healing factor go away. I can't think like that, I need to try, I need to help him, I have to time this right. Open wound, closed, open, and...


I hack into (y/n). He screams in such agony I almost mess up my sequence, almost. The ooze starts to fall off his body. It melts the ground under it before disappearing into a black fog. Wait, fog? I'll ask Moria later.


"Cathrin get back!"

"I cant do nothing while my baby is hurt! Please! He's done nothing wrong why should he suffer?!"

Loba is holding back Cathrin, who is crying so much it looks like she might make herself pass out. Loba looks at me, I nod at her and at darted my eyes away, she nods her head and picks up Cathrin, running away and her taking to who knows where, to get her away from all this. Glenn begins to talk to himself rather loudly.

"Why does this always happen? *sigh* Really Cathrin? Everytime I'm close to making a new discovery you always ruin it. Is it because I always use the pistol you have me for our 3rd wedding anniversary for these types of things? You may not have known how I acted but in the years we were married you did learn what I liked. Glowing things and knives to name two."

Glenn looked at where Cathrin was then at (y/n), who still had the black ooze around him.

"Well anything should be done in the name of science. I'll be taking samples from him and seeing what they are in my lab, not that I already don't know, I just want to see if they match up with Jason's samples."

"Vete a la mierda! You won't be able to test shit puto!"

Glenn looked at me, like he finally realized I existed.

"Who are you? I don't seem to recall us ever meeting. Are you one of the daughters of one of the agents I killed, if so talk to my assistant and she'll give to the compensation for their death, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember someone if they looked like you, probably, maybe not. I'm not good with faces or names. Could you be a dear and tell me yours so I can message Clara what we owe you."

"Like I'll fucking tell you! Why the fuck are you so fucking bent on creating a monster?! What kind of person are you!"

Glenn stops. He grabs the pistol with both of his hands, the blade dangerously close to cutting his fingers. He looks back at me. A wide insane grin on his face as his eyes go black. I don't feel my heart anymore as everything starts to feel horrible, like the old ass tv static is hovering all around my being.

"Why? Well why not?"

There's no noise and he begins to laugh, it sounds like wild hyenas yelling into the night, ready to steal the meal of a bigger animal, just waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Why anything girly? Why not just do whatever it takes to do what you want! It doesn't take much to do it, the only thing stopping us the 'common sense' or the 'ethics' or 'the moral toll,'"

He takes a few large steps towards me, I want to move back but something is keeping he still. Maybe it's the crazed look in his eyes or is lack of eyes, the fact he seems so proud of what he's doing, or the fact that he is a genuine monster walking in front of me.

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now