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Omnic's POV
The Muertos gang was trying to destroy me because I was tossed in their territory. They were just random humans that didn't want to get hurt by the gang so they left me to get destroyed. I didn't know what to do so I curled up in fear. I wasn't programmed to deal with this. I don't even know what I'm programmed for.

I looked around and saw this other human male with (h/l) (h/c), (e/c) eyes, and a black hoodie look at me. I shut myself off so I wouldn't feel them destroy my body. I power on only to see I'm an ally and the human has been shot through the chest.

I rush over to him and see this other male rush to him as well. He checks over the (e/c) human for any more injuries. He then brings out a communicator and starts to call someone.

"Mercy. Yes, I'm alright but I have a bystander whose been shot. No they're not bleeding out but they have a bullet in their heart. Yes he has a bullet in his chest but he's not bleeding. I don't know if he felt it but I can see his heart beating. Alright I'll take him to the base so he can be fully examined."

He picks up the unconscious male and starts to take him to an unknown destination. I follow him a good distance away but close enough to still see him. He looks back at me every once in a while but doesn't say anything. After a while he suddenly looks at me and says strictly but in a calming manner.

"If you want to see if he's going to be alright or if you just want to know what's going on then hurry up."

I run up to him but after that neither of us say anything. 35 minutes if silent walking we reach this plane. The front goes down as soon as we walk into the ship that looks 3x the normal plane size at least from what I remember from the place I was manufactured.We walk into the plane and I see all these other humans, a few omnics, and a gorilla surprisingly.

The man starts walking to the medical center. As I followed him I saw people give me sideways glances, but no one really cared that I was there. Weird, by now people would be trying to dismember me for 'the scrap that I am'. 

I quickly notice that I'm falling behind so I run up to what I assume is the doctors office. I walk in and see this female with blonde hair, blue eyes, and robotic wings. She's talking to the man from earlier who I still don't know the name of.

"So Angela, do you know what's wrong with him?"

"No. Everything looks fine but the bullet should have killed him but all he needs is rest right now."

'Angela' looks at me with surprise but she gives me a warm smile.

"Hello my names Angela. Jack told me you would be here for him," she gestures towards the bandaged up male," Jack also told me that this young man saved your life from the Muertos gang, is that true?"

All I could do was nod my head to her. I'm not used to people talking to me as if I was wasn't just some computer with a face, like I was normal. She looks back at me and smiles. Then goes back to talking with Jack about the unconscious man.

I look around the room and I see three empty chairs. I sit in the one closest to him as I go into my power down mode to reboot myself. As I close my eyes I see the doctor smiling at me and Jack looking at me through his visor.

Six hours later and I'm finally done tweaking my mother board. I open my eyes to see that the male is still asleep. I also see the sun was coming out. I sigh and look at the man before saying.

"Why? Why would you risk your life for an omnic? I'm not even a good omnic. I don't even know what I'm programmed for."

I want expecting an answer nor was I expecting him to start laughing softly.

"I helped you because I wanted to. I really didn't think it through that they might have killed me but the guilt of doing nothing would have been torture compared to what they did to me." He smiles

Physically I cannot smile but my eyes can show my emotions like human eyes with eyebrows. He chuckles at me before extending his right hand at me.

"The names (y/n) by the way. Do you have a name?" I look at his hand and grab it with my own. I try to think of a name that might have been mine but I cannot think of any. In a panic I say the first name I remember in a positive way.


"Samuel huh, can I call you Sam?"

I nod at him with a bit to much enthusiasm because this is the first person who's ever done anything nice for me and I'm not going to lose him. Even if it costs me my own life. He smiles at me as he rubs his eyes. He lays his head down on the pillow and goes back to sleep and I power down again.

Hey sorry if this one seems weird but I didn't know what to do while you were unconscious and if the characters seems ooc please tell me so I can fix the character.
~nightmare out

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن