Little drizzle

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~Sombra's POV~
"So what's our plan?"

"The plan is first we get Gabbi in custody and get any and all information out of her, after that is to figure out how to find (y/n)."

I groan as we walk to the common area. There's only three people? Weird usually everyone's here but who cares right now. Ana gives us a small wave before going back to watching the tv. Hana and Sam look like they want to greet us but before they say anything Sam looks around with confused eyes. He gets up and because of his heigh he towers over all of us but Moira. His eyes scan the area before he asks a simple question.

"Where is (y/n)?"

We look at him. Why was that his first question. Does he already know about what happened? Does Overwatch know? That won't be good, the more people who know the more candidates for a rescue mission, and the more people dead.


"(Y/n) cares very much for Sombra. He has protected her on multiple occasions from agents in this facility who've had a less then hospitable reaction to Sombra being here. He cares about her not getting hurt so I ask again. Where is (y/n)."

Thank god this is only Sam's detective skills. I tense my shoulders until Cathrin answers.

"We-We don't know."

Her voice waivers and she sounds like she wants to cry again. I gently put my hand on her shoulder.


"He was taken. By Glenn."

"Who let him?"

I bite my lip to stop myself from hyperventilating. It hurts to know I couldn't protect him. That I failed and the one person that felt like home to me is gone and I may never see him again. I take shallow breaths through my noise as Moira answers Sam.


Sam's eyes flash red.

"I'm ripping her head off right now."

Sam tries to walk behind us, and honestly I'd love to see that, but Hana grabs his arm.

"Sammy calm down! Ripping her head off isn't going to solve anything. She might have information and killing her won't let us get any information."

I hear an almost animalistic grown come from him but he stands down. His eyes are flashing from red to yellow and finally to his normal grey. I wish she wasn't right but she probably has information we need on Glenn if she's been working with him as long as he said she was. Moira is first to break the silence.

"Well this is rather unfortunate events. Actually it's worse then that. We do have her to thank for all this. Glenn was able to knock (y/n) out and I think he's finishing the last of his trials. That woman you saw earlier Sombra was the first step towards Glenn's goal."

Hana looks as if she's going to get physically angry or destroy some poor sap on one of her streams. I've seen it happen when something goes wrong she has never hurt anyone intentionally unless it's a video game, the first person to cross her will get targeted.

"So what you're telling me is that bitch took him away? Fuuuck. That's why she was bugging him to train with her."

"She didn't take him away, just gave Glenn the information and took down the barricades to let him get in the base."

I watch Hana start to mutter to herself as she still holds onto Sam.

"We need to find him. Quickly or who knows what Glenn will do to him."

"What's going on?"

Angela walks into the living room and gives us a very confused look.

"(Y/n)'s dad took him away and is probably going to experiment on him if we don't find him soon."

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now