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~Sombra's POV~
It takes only a few minutes until we reach her room. Loba leaves the elevator while I look around the spacious room from the door on the back left side and see one small side on the right has a bed nightstand on the right and dresser on the left, the right wall is pure white and bare, the left wall is messy with a lot of random pictures, and the front wall has computer gear and notes, some of which are in different languages. I go to Loba who's typing on the computer. On her dresser I see a picture with all of Overwatch's founding members.

"So Loba. You used to work for Overwatch?"

She was still wearing a mask almost identical to what she's wereing now. The picture had everyone but Gabriel, Genji, Jesse, and Moira, so they must have had only Overwatch agents and not Blackwatch. She looks up from her computer. Her head turns to look at the picture I'm holding and even though I can't see her face I can feel her sadness.

"Yeah. It was when I wanted to make a difference in the world. I thought if I could help Overwatch, we would take out all the evil of the world. It was the dream of a child, and when I opened my eyes I realized evil can't be killed. No matter what you do evil will always show its ugly face back to cause even worse harm, so I thought if I can't stop all evil I'll drastically bring the numbers down. Do you have something to show me how (y/n) looks like?"

She waves her left hand to the wall with pictures of Talon leaders, push pins on said pictures, and lots of string connecting all the pins. I look over it all and see a forth of the pictures has red x's over them. Must be her kill count.

"Here's a video of him using his psychic powers. Also Loba, they say if you kill a killer, the number of killers doesn't go down."

"Oh I know, but what's better; a killer who only kills to help others, or someone who only kills for their own amusement or to help them go higher on the social status?

I grab my communicator and send encrypted messages to my computer in Dorado and I figure out how I can get Moira to think I can't find Loba. We talk as if we've been acquaintances for at least a few months, even though we only know the bare minimum of each other.

"Well it doesn't matter, you're still a killer. People wouldn't welcome you with open arms you know."

Loba goes to her blank wall and adds pictures of (y/n), Glenn, some woman I'm thinking his mom, and a picture with a giant question mark.

"It's not about how I help people, it's that I help them. If all hero's acted as Overwatch, villains would be running world to chaos. Putting someone in jail is like putting off an essay, sure it seems like a good idea at the time, but if you had just done something about it, it wouldn't be such gigantic problem now."

I put up my holographic computer screen and start analyzing security cameras from all of the places I would think a woman in hiding would try to hide.

"And Sombra, our world isn't some fairy tail with a happily ever after. Everyone thinks the world can be one happy place with everyone loving each other but you can't. There will always be those who think they deserve more in this world, and will do anything to get it. That's why you need people who are willing to help others no matter the consequences."

We stop talking as we become more immersed in our work. I hear more typing as I quickly go through the cameras and try to find anyone who remotely looks like (y/n). Time felt nonexistent and before I knew it the sun went down and the sky became an inky black void.

"It seems like I found where Cathrin's been hiding."

I look from my screen and see the pictures of the (y/n)'s has pictures of so many people and different places. It honestly looked like completely gibberish.

"Where exactly?"

"In her old home in Dorado."

"Wouldn't Glenn check their first?"

"No not their old home, her old home. It was a summer house her family went to when she was a child, it's very close to Glenn's house but it's on the bad side, with Los Muertos and the omnic destroyers."

"So let's get her."

"I'll get her. You get (y/n) back to the abandoned house area."

"And why can't I help get her?"

"If she's anything like I remember she's a bit on the insane side and she'd probably shoot anyone she doesn't know, unless she's gotten therapy, doubt it though. In any case I need you to get (y/n) someplace where no one would follow him. If I can promise Catherin her son I'm willing to bet she'll cooperate."

"Ok. I'll bring him to the abandoned house we met at and you can bring her over there. Sounds good?"

All she does is gives me a thumbs up before going through the elevator again. What the hell is going on anymore. This all better be worth it, and I better be able to help (y/n).

Glitch in the system Sombra x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now