Professor Battles

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"Hey Dad." Sophia sing-songed cheerfully. She put down the medication bottle that's usually used for migraines on the lab table.

"Hey there Princess! Oh and who have we got here?" The man asked, with a welcoming smile that was so bright that it could've been seen for miles. Eek.

"Remember? It's Ivory. My best friend? And this is her boyfriend." She laughed as Sophia's dad raised his eyebrows.

"Ivory? As in...Ivory Jennings?" He asked, walking closer to me for a better look. I nodded.

"How're you doing Professor Sycamore?" I asked casually. On our way over to the lab, Sophia and I had to buy Jonathan ice-cream in order to calm him down that Sophia's dad was Professor Sycamore. Buying him ice-cream made his condition even worse.

"I'm doing quite well. How about you?" He asked back, giving his daughter a side-hug.

"Great! I've begun on my own Pokemon journey." I smiled back. I was pushed aside by Jonathan all of a sudden. I playfully glared at him.

"WOW. It's truly an honor to meet you sir. I'm such a HUGE fan of yours." He stammered, his face flustered, reaching a hand out for a shake. Sycamore offered his hand. Jonathan looked like he could actually faint.

"Thank you?" He said back, laughing.

"Well, since you're here, would you like to participate in a Pokemon battle?" Sycamore asked me, wiggling his eyebrows. I eagerly nodded. I love battles. We walked to another room. The Professor flicked on the lights and I shielded my eyes as the room suddenly became bright. It was a battlefield.

"Go Squirtle!" Sycamore shouted, expertly throwing a PokeBall into the field. Out popped a small blue turtle that I could spend hours snuggling.

"I choose you, Honey!" I threw my PokeBall, not too sloppy but not perfect. Honey reappeared and shook her head, relieved to be outside.

"Honey, use Razor Leaf." I pointed at the turtle as Honey threw sharp leaves that could leave a nasty scar. The leaves landed on its stomach. Ouch.

"Squirtle, use Water Gun." He nodded as Squirtle puffed his cheeks and shot a long stream of water that was crystal-blue. It was so pretty... I came back to my senses and noticed that due to Honey's agility, she was able to evade the attack. Honey, as if she could read my mind, used Vine Whip. It landed perfectly and she made a smirk. Squirtle fainted. Shocked, Sycamore sent out an orange-red lizard with a tail that had a flame at the end. I sent back Honey and threw out Bubbles's PokeBall. 

"Poreon!" Bubbles cried, licking her paw. I smiled at her. She was so cute!

"Charmander, use Ember." He shouted. I held my breath. Bubbles wasn't naturally fast so she couldn't dodge it. It had little damage.

"Bubbles, use Bubble." I winked at her. She sprayed dozens of clear bubbles straight at Charmander who I guess is also slow. He cried out with pain as he fainted. This was just too easy.

"Okay. This is my last one! Go Bulbasaur!" Sycamore shouted. I noticed that he was actually nervous that I was going to beat him. Bulbasaur was like this weird green animal with a bulb on its back that were known for blooming once in a while.

"Return Bubbles. Go Cocoa!" I said. Cocoa jumped off my shoulder and smiled bravely at me. I smiled back in response.

"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip." He ordered. Bulbasaur's 2 vines shot out of nowhere and slapped Cocoa furiously as Cocoa screamed in pain.

"Hang in there! Use Bite!" I growled. Not that I'm mad. It just hurts to see my loved ones get hurt. Cocoa then somehow managed a bite that left a nasty scar. Bulbasaur fainted from the vicious attack. Sycamore chuckled and walked over to me.

"Congratulations! I believe that you're going to be a great trainer! You got nice Pokemon. So, choose another one." He said, lining up the PokeBalls in a line.

"Really?!" I screamed. Apparently too loud. Everyone in the room covered their ears as I slapped my mouth with my hands. Whoops? Sycamore nodded. I couldn't choose! It was too difficult! Professor saw how I was indecisive and he took them all. I was shocked. He wouldn't even give me a chance to choose? Weird. But, I noticed how he was walking back with a small and beautifully carved box. It looked like something only an angel would make. He opened it. Inside laid a small and pink PokeBall that I automatically recognized as the Heal Ball. I was so excited! What could it be?

"This is something that I've been wanting to give you. Please accept it." Sycamore grinned at me as I gently took the beautiful ball and let the Pokemon out that lies inside.

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