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I dashed up ahead as I looked around fast, looking for Jonathan and the source of the scream. I rounded the alleyway and found myself dead ended in a, well, a dead end.

"Jonathan? Where are you?" I asked desperately as I looked around for any signs of Jonathan or to be obvious, Team Flare.

"Surprise!" Shouted Jonathan and a girl who looked familiar to me. I jumped back, startled. They just popped out of nowhere! Literally!

"Oh my God. Is that really you Ivory Jennings?" The girl asked, staring at me in shock and amazement.

"Uh yeah. And who exactly are you?" I asked with a little spunk.

"Ha! I see that you still have your usual attitude." She said, bursting in laughter and hugging me to her side. Then I noticed her sapphire necklace that shined in the sun. I gasped as I pulled away from her.

"Sophia?" I squeaked out, hoping she would answer when she heard her name.

"Yeah! You finally noticed my necklace huh?" Sophia said proudly. Sophia was my best friend since forever and when we were both 5, her family moved to Florida because of some important task for work. I haven't seen her in like 5 years!

"Oh my God! Sophia! You're back!" I cried, hugging her, tearing up. I had missed her so much and she changed a lot. She used to have chestnut brown hair but now, she dyed her hair to a beautiful scarlet red.

"You look so cute! So how's everything?" I asked, motioning Jonathan and Sophia for us to walk while chatting.

"Great! We moved back to our old house and I have my own Pokemon and everything." Sophia said, taking out two PokeBalls. She released the Pokemon within and I saw an Espeon and an Umbreon. Espeon had a long tail that spilt into two and had velvet-like fur that was purple. It had a beautiful red gem located on the center of its forehead. Umbreon was the complete opposite. It had a tail that ended in a sharp point and had yellow rings around it's body that glowed in the dark. It had dark black fur.

"This Espeon is named Sunlight and this Umbreon is named Moonlight." She said, petting both Pokemon. Due to the names, I guessed that they were both female. I let out my Pokemon and watched as Cocoa, Honey and Bubbles interacted with Sunlight and Moonlight. They sniffed each other's faces and mesmerized their scents. I giggled as Cocoa accidentally bumped into me. She smiled up at me.

"Wow. You have pretty nice Pokemon. Hey, wanna go get something to eat?" I asked. My stomach growled in hunger. I was always such a food lover.

"Okay. I could get something to eat too." Sophia remarked, looking down at her stomach. We went to a McDonald's that as nearby and I ordered a McWrap at Jonathan's advice because I ate way too much. Sophia ordered a Big Mac, being the meat lover she is. Jonathan just ordered an Oreo McFlurry. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You just told me to eat healthy and you eat an ice cream?" I asked, smirking at him in a totally annoying way.

"At least I eat healthier than you." He pointed out, smirking back as Sophia looked back and forth between us.

"Touche." I replied, taking a humongous bite of my surprisingly delicious chicken McWrap with ranch.

"So... I guess you guys are a couple right?" Sophia butted in, her mouth full. I blushed as Jonathan nodded enthusiastically.

"Uh, we're not really a..." I tried explaining it without hurting Jonathan's feelings.

"Yup. We are." He finished as I gave him a cold glare. Well, I wasn't really mad but I wanted him to believe that I didn't like him. It's like in those romance movies. The popular guy/gal only dates the most mysterious ones. The people who fawn all over them at first get their attention but it's always the mysterious ones who keep the relationship. I also wanted to be mysterious. So, therefore, I will continue to be eccentric so I can 'keep' Jonathan.

"Psh. Yeah right." I laughed, nudging Sophia with my elbow. My Pokemon looked up at me, obviously knowing that something was off about me.

"Okay... I just wanted to see some romance. Oh yeah! Hey, Ivory, you wanted to start an Eevee team right?" She asked, ruffling in her bag. She pulled out a beautiful dark PokeBall.

"Here." She shoved the ball into my arms. I tilted my head as I examined the ball. I've never seen this kind of PokeBall. It looked... shady.

"It's called a Dusk Ball. I thought that you might want to have an Umbreon too. Inside is an Eevee,  a male and you can evolve it into an Umbreon sooner or later." Sophia smiled which was effective because of her pearl-like dazzling teeth. I hugged her, grateful and let out the new addition to the team.

"Ee." He said, shaking his head, making his fur even cuter. I laughed and hugged him too.

"I'll name you Dusk." I smiled. It was an appropriate name for a male Eevee that was soon to be an Umbreon. It nodded as it went deep into conversation with my Pokemon. I smiled softly as I watched my Pokemon play together. It was like one happy family...

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