Time's Up

18 3 9

Ivory's POV

After reading the letter, I had groaned and grudgingly dragged him into my room. I couldn't just leave him outside for Arceus's sake! Inside my room, it was pretty much just like any other room in the Pokemon Center. A bunk bed, a PC with a desk, a kitchen table, a clear door that led to the balcony, and a bathroom that was connected to the kitchen. Everything was sparkling-clean, just as I had found it. Guess you can say that I'm a neat freak.

I woke up first, at dawn of course, for my usual morning run. My alarm rang with my favorite song. The main song in the Korean drama, Rosy Lovers. That's right. I don't remember the song name. Can y'all blame me? It's in Korean.

Down in the cafeteria, I was the only one there, since it was only dawn. There was a wide variety of food choices to choose from so I finally decided on organic and delicious Pokemon food for my team and for myself, I resisted the urge to grab a couple of glazed doughnuts but, wanting to stay healthy, chose a spinach and mushroom omelette. Not my first choice but still warm and delicious.

"Ready to hit it gang?" I muffled through a mouthful of mushroom. At least, that's what I thought I said. Instead, it came out like, "Remum to hum it gum?". Pretty embarrassing. Thankfully, my Pokemon understood me perfectly (Don't ask me how they understand. It's just like how a Pikachu and an Eevee understand each other. They don't even speak the same words!).

Stepping outside into the freezing citystreet, I frowned slightly. Inside the Pokemon Center, the temperature was perfect. Not too cold, but not too warm. In the outside, since it was dawn, the temperature dropped rapidly. But I can deal with that. I knew of a special place that my father used to take me to "get away from all the cityfolk and just relax" before he perished in PokeWar II. Plus, the exercise would warm me up. And so, I skipped through the city and went to that special place. It was still there thankfully and I was rewarded by a huge sight of a meadow, decorated with all flowers alike, and a running track that cut through the natural green grass into a giant circle.

I had assigned each of my Pokemon a role. Honey would be swinging from tree to tree with her vines. It's basically like stretching your arms/legs for a human. Bubbles would be swimming as quickly as she can from one end of the lake to another. Dawn would be using her psychic powers to move objects to improve her psychic strength with Dusk. Cocoa was with me, running along the track. Our usual 25 laps.

By the time we finished, I was greeted by a grouchy Jonathan, who threw one of his pillows at me when I crashed into the room and flicked the lights on and off multiple times.

"It's totally inhumane for someone to wake up so early and be so enthusiastic..." He had groaned as I jumped cheerfully onto his bed.

"Get used to it, chump!" I had replied. He was going to have to get used to this. Seriously.

It literally took him about an hour to get dressed and eat breakfast. That only took me about 15 minutes. Really??

I observed him as he selected his breakfast, which consisted of junk food. Donuts, hashbrowns, etc.

"You have to start eating healthier... Look at how chubby you are! And to think that you were the one telling me to eat healthier back in Lumiose City!" I cried out, pinching his cheeks. He had rolled his eyes and continued chowing down. I'll have to make him exercise more often.

After returning our room key to Nurse Joy, who had wished us "a great day", we had continued on with our journey. Whatever you can call it. Leaving Lumiose City was kind of depressing. I had wanted to spend a little longer here. Maybe watch a movie or ride one of those 2-people bikes. That seemed pretty cool.

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