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???'s POV

There wasn't much to do left. All we had to do was take over the world. Simple, right?

"Entertain me peasant." I ordered, flicking my 3-fingered hand towards one of my army of minions. As soon as those words escaped my mouth, no, scratch that, I telepathically told all of them, the minion I was pointing at nearly fainted. The others ran away as fast as they could. I smirked. Wimps.

"M-me my Lord?" He nervously asked. I nodded in approval. I waited patiently but he did absolutely nothing. I scowled. Entertainment is hard to find these days.

"Um... I can ask you a riddle... What crawls on 4 legs in the morning, walks on 2 legs in the afternoon and walks on 3 legs in the evening...? He asked slowly. His master wouldn't know this one.

"A human. 4 legs as a baby, 2 legs as a young adult, and 3 legs, including the cane as an elder." I said simply. This was stupid.

"You have failed to entertain me. Torture chair. NOW." I angrily shouted menacingly.

"No! I've had enough of all this torturing! One day. I SWEAR. ONE DAY, YOU WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. Then we'll see who's laughing." He rebelled. I sigh. This happens too often. They always say this but it never happens. I motioned for Pinsir to come forth and he sharpened his horns, enjoying seeing the terror in his victim's eyes, even if he tried to not show it.

Pinsir pounced forward and sliced his prey to bits. I giggled. Watching others in pain made me feel jolly...

Ivory's POV

I watched in horror as someone else made contact with a car. I might need therapy after today. I've had such a traumatic experience. I saw 3 nurses and 2 doctors rushing to the scene of the accident when someone had dashed inside the hospital and requested for assistance. I've heard from rumors around that he wasn't going to make it through the medical procedures.

I had gone back inside the horrifying hospital and into room 704. Jonathan was unconscious and the nurses were wheeling him into another room.

"What? What's going on?" I demanded an answer from the nurses. They took a single glance at me and did a double take. Yeah, I probably looked like a wild mess. The Chanseys were taking charge of moving the gurney so they explained how Jonathan had gotten a brain injury or something from the accident. There was a possible chance that he could lose his entire memory. What would life be without your memory?

But for now, they transported him into another section of the hospital. We were in the far right but now we're in the center. The heart of the hospital. They made me wait outside in the waiting area. AGAIN. I nervously bit my fingernails, leaving behind a hang nail. I hate this. The anxiety was overwhelming and I pinched myself, hoping that this is just a silly nightmare. That none of this is reality. But my instincts told me that this was happening. This is real.

I eventually fell asleep on one of the satin-covered couch. No one bothered to wake me up. I slept for 9 hours. It was now exactly 10 pm. The windows revealed a black sky with beautiful stars that illuminated in contrast to the dark setting. The quiet sound of Pokemon snoozing away was gentle. The city was still brightly lit. The city that never sleeps. People and shoppers were still milling in and about, going into stores and coffee shops. Meanwhile, at the amusement park, you could see the huge Ferris Wheel with flashing lights coloring up the darkness. It was all such a pretty sight and I couldn't take my eyes off the city. The hospital was totally different compared to the beauty of the city. Bland, plain, colorless. Nothing special, really.

Suddenly remembering the whole reason why I was here in the first place, I made a quick jog to Jonathan's new room, 729. The room looked exactly the same as the previous room but what do I know? Jonathan lay there, his face looking as white as a ghost. His breath was in short and raspy gasps and he was drenched in so much sweat that crystal-clear beads of sweat rolled down his face, making his blond hair getting stuck onto his face. It was such a depressing scene.

"Hey there." He mumbled. Just loud enough for me to hear though. I instantly wrapped him in a welcoming embrace.

"Don't you effing scare me like that. Ever." I scolded him, softly though. I could never be serious enough to scold him properly.

"I'm sorry I scared my sweet pea and her little cutie pie." He smiled gently. I flinched a little. He hadn't called Cocoa and I that since the beginning of our journey which now seems to have lasted for centuries. Time flies by so quickly! I just simply bawled on the side of the bed while Jonathan patted my back awkwardly and murmured comforting things. I completely spaced out so I don't remember much of what he said.

All of our Pokemon were out by now; they complained that they didn't get much often now, and were staring sympathetically at the both of us. They had always known us for our positive and upright attitudes and BOOM. Something unexpected happened and this could forever change their lives, mentally and possibly physically. The nurses had informed me earlier that there was a 98% chance that he would lose all of his memory but thankfully, I held onto that hopeful 2%. Jonathan calling Cocoa and I "sweet pea and her cutie pie" reassured me that he didn't lose his memory. Miracles do happen, I suppose.

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