New Pokemon

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A/N: Hey guys! I just got back from a cruise so that's the delay for the chapters so please be patient! Thank you and don't forget to vote and comment!


I gasped as Jonathan's eyes widened in surprise. There were two Eevees. They both looked identical so I assumed that they were siblings. Usually, there are specific characteristics that tell you if they're siblings or not.

"Eevee!" They both cried happily. I smiled. Eevees. I was going to have another Eevee!

"I call the boy!" Jonathan shouted, hugging the boy Eevee. I hugged the girl Eevee.

"I'm going to name you Bubbles."I stated as I figured that I would evolve this Eevee into a Vaporeon. Plus, the name Bubbles indicates that they were fun and bubbly which this Eevee obviously is.

"Eevee." She nodded in satisfaction. I looked over at Jonathan who was ruffling his Eevee's hair.

"What are you going to evolve him into?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe someone tough like a Flareon or a Jolteon. Maybe even an Umbreon!" He exclaimed. I laughed. Those were all the male Eevee evolutions.

"How about you?" He countered back.

"Vaporeon. She looks like a Vaporeon." I replied blissfully.

"Cool! Hey, come on, race ya to the Pokemon Center!" Jonathan shouted, looking behind at me who was picking speed quickly. Soon enough, we were in the Pokemon Center and waited for our Pokemon to heal up.

"Excuse me! Your Pokemon are all healed up!" Nurse Joy said with a happy smile. I smiled back in response.

"Okay. Thanks!" We cried out happily, taking our PokeBalls in our hands. We casually walked along the boardwalk that was beside the ocean. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The air smelled briny like a thaw. The fishermen were talking to one another and were all holding huge fishing rods. One of them noticed us and decided to come over to us.

"Well I'll be darned! A couple walking along the ocean. How romantic! She's a keeper." The fisherman stated, nudging Jonathan with his elbow. I giggled as Jonathan blushed.

"I know." He simply said, kissing me on the cheek. This time, it was my turn to blush.

"Here, this is an Old Rod. Use this rod to catch beautiful water-type Pokemon and have a luxurious date!" He cried, forking over a beaten up rod that still kinda looked useable.

"Thanks." We said, glancing at each other. Obviously, we weren't a couple but apparently, that's who we look like to people. We picked up speed quickly as we decided to ditch this place and move forward.

"Hey! Excuse me!" A woman's voice cried out as we passed her out to Route 4. We stopped and turned back.

"Hi, you two just beat my sister Viola right?" She asked. I was stunned. I didn't know that Viola had a sister.

"Yes, well, anyway, here. She told me to give you this." She said, giving us a weird machine.

"It's an Exp. Share. It gives your party Pokemon experience from battles; even if they don't participate!" She explained excitedly. I smiled. She was fun to talk to.

"Thanks. I'm sorry but we really have to go now. See you later!" Jonathan said, waving as I stared at him bewildered. We ran past trainers and into the next city which was Lumiose City. I suddenly understand why Jonathan wants to get to Lumiose City so fast. He wants to go to the shop with evolutionary stones so he can evolve his Eevee. I have no idea what he wants to evolve his Eevee into but I guess I have to wait and see.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jonathan shouted as he sprinted towards the shop. I laughed. He was really hyper now.

"Yes! We're here!" Jonathan said, pumping his fist in the air. We entered the shop and was entranced by cool air conditioning and colorful evolutionary stones all around. I looked for a specific blue stone that looked very clear, bright blue. The Water Stone. I found one and waited for Jonathan to pick his so we could pay together. He looked around and inspected some but none of them seemed worthy of his choice. He asked an employee if he can see all the Eevee evolutions so he could choose the best one to him. He looked at pictures and finally decided on a Jolteon. He picked up a Thunder Stone carefully and took it to the register. We paid and thanked the employees and left. We stood outside as we took out our new stones and let out our Eevees. Then, we touched their fur with our stones as they began to evolve. A bright white light shone from their bodies as they began to change. Bubbles was now blue with a tail and fins and ridges around her head. I smiled. She looked cute. I glanced over at Jonathan as his Eevee began to finish his evolution. Now, Jonathan's Eevee is mainly yellow with a little bit of white and had bristle-like fur that spiked up.

"I'm going to name you Stormo." Jonathan said happily as he petted his new Jolteon on its head.

"Jolt." He said calmly.

"Vapor! Vaporeon, Eon!" Bubbles cried out as she saw her newly formed brother. They studied each other carefully as they took in their forms. They stared at each other, amazed as they played together. I smiled. I don't have a sibling so it was amazing to see siblings getting along.

"You decided on Jolteon? Why?" I asked Jonathan curiously. He gave me a sideways grin.

"Because Jolteons are energetic and fun." He replied as he slowly stroked Stormo's fur. I nodded as I took in the information.

"Wow. That's neat. Hey, can we go to that cafe over there? I wanna get something to eat." I said, pointing to a fancy cafe with tables spread out.

"Sure." He shrugged as he ordered a hot chocolate. I ordered my favorite: New York style cheesecake.

"Mmm..." I cried out as I dug into my cake. I love food. He laughed, shaking his head while taking sips of his hot chocolate. I patted Bubbles, Honey and Cocoa as they greeted each other shyly. They looked so cute together!

"Is everything okay over here? Anything else I can get you?" A kind waitress asked, holding my empty plate carefully. I shook my head as I neatly wiped my mouth. I paid for the food and took off with a nice goodbye. People stared at us (enviously?) as we looped arms. We stopped in front of a beautiful garden with a fountain made out of carefully carved stone. Couples sat in the garden on top of picnic baskets and all of them were chatting.

"So what now?" I asked, making a small circle with my index finger on my knee. He stared deep into my hazel eyes as I stared into his ocean blue eyes. He then, unexpectedly pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back as some water from the fountain splashed up on us. I laughed but continued kissing him as couples around us clapped. I giggled, clearly embarrassed as Jonathan bowed to the crowd.

"Why did you do that? I'm not pretty and definitely not something guys would go looking for." I asked, my eyes softening a bit.

"Because you're eccentric. You're yourself and you aren't afraid to show people who you are." Jonathan replied, hugging me from behind. I closed my eyes and smiled to the sun. It felt nice to have someone like me. It felt... warm.

"Okay, okay, enough fooling around. Let's go before it's totally dark." I said, slidding from his grasp. He looked a little sad as I got out.

"Fine..." He murmured as we raced again to the next route.

'Jonathan's amazing. I think I love him a LOT.' I thought.

As I tried to keep up to Jonathan, I heard a bloodcurdling scream that sounded strangely similar to Jonathan's voice.

A Thousand DreamsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang