She's Not Who I Thought She Was...

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Credits to sunnybunnysica for literally writing this chappie! I just edited ;3

I held my breath as the beautiful Pokemon materialized in front of my eyes. As I looked closely, I screamed in utter joy as the sound "Eevee!" came put of the new addition to our family's mouth.

"Oh. My. Gosh! Thank you soooo much Professor!" I yelled.

"Hi you," I crooned to the Eevee, "what should I name you?" the Eevee snuggled up and I noticed that instead of a cocoa- brown tinge to it's fur, this particular Eevee had a orange-ish shade to it. I turned to Professor Sycamor with questioning eyes and he told me it was his latest experiment. He already determined the course of the Eevee's life.

"Whaaa...?" It all sounded like a foreign language.

"Haha, let's put it this way. I breeded the Eevee specifically to become an Espeon." He told me with sparkling eyes.

"WHAT?! OH MY GOSH THAT'S....ASDFGHJKL!" I screamed with joy. I stared down at the Eevee and decided then to name her Dawn, after her unique orange fur, which was a rosy-dawn color.

I was so happy that I grabbed Jonathan and kissed him, right there and then.


I pulled back to see Sophia and the professor smirking at me. I blushed deeply and returned Dawn back to her pokeball. The professor provided us with one last gift as he restocked everything in our bags. Unable to explain my gratitude, I thanked him profusely before I left.

I let Jonathan and Sophie wander off for a while by the beach nearby before hearing loud talking. I looked over a small boulder to see Jonathan and Sophie talking. I held my breath. Jonathan was yelling at Sophie, but I couldn't just make out what he was saying. Sophie just stared at her bare toes. Finally, Sophie looked up, kissed Jonathan on the lips softly and walked away. As she came around the corner, she saw me and knew that I had seen everything. She tried to push past me but I grabbed her arm.

"We need to talk."

I pulled her into a nearby café, and ordered two cups of cool lemonade to beat the scorching summer heat. Sophie just stared into the sweet yellow liquid.

"Soph, I'm not mad. I just want to know what happened." I told her tentatively.

She sighed and said, "Look, honestly, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. You haven't seen me in forever because I left suddenly right?"

I nodded.

"Truth is, I was running away from Jonathan, from our relationship. After I came back I tried to start anew, but I ended up running into you and Jonathan. I don't want to get in between you. I've decided to halt my journey with you guys here. I wish you the best. I love you."

And with that she whisked off her sapphire necklace over her head and laid it on the table. She paid for the drinks and walked out.

I sat there in shock, just letting the words soak through. When I finally came to my senses, I ran out of the café, looking for Sophie, but I couldn't see her anywhere. I saw Jonathan out of the corner of my eye, and as I walked towards him, he held out his arms. I walked, no, jogging, no, ran into his arms, he enveloped me around them as he kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. I'm through with her now. I'm your man." he murmured into my ear. I pulled back and he saw the glint of the necklace in the sun.

We sat there all day talking as we watched the Pokemon beat the afternoon sun by playing with the water. I told him how Sophia had left and that she still had feelings for him. I also told him about how she wanted the best for us.

"Ivory. Like I said. I'm done with Sophia Sycamore. I'm in love with Ivory Jennings right now." he pulled me in for a sweet kiss until I heard a soft "Vee?" I looked down to see Cocoa staring.

"Oh not you too," I joked. As we walked hand in hand with our pokemon, I couldn't help but realize how amazingly lucky I was. Going on an adventure with super cute (and fluffy) friends, and having the best boyfriend in the world, walking off into the sunset. I am truly a lucky girl. I was quickly shaken out of my thoughts by a shrill scream, and I ran to see who it was.

"Haha, we've got you now." a woman's voice said, intimidatingly.

I looked over a bush to see Team Flare *le eye roll* (why are they everywhere we go anyways?) cornering the girl we met, the one who had her Litleo napped from her.

"Hey, do I have to break another tree or can I just crawl through this one?" I remarked at a huge tree falling over.

"Ugh! Why is it always you!" the woman screeched.

"I guess I'm just that likeable." I confronted her calmly, but a little sarcastic. I heard Cocoa and her sisters and her one brother quietly growl behind me, ready to attack. Before anyone had a chance to react, both Jonathan's Pokemon and mine charged like warhawks.

"Hey!" I yelled. "What happened to fair play?"

The woman threw back her head and laughed as we ran. "I thought you might've figured out we don't believe in that junk."

Jonathan and I chased after her until our legs, and our Pokemon's tiny ones, were worn out. I saw a rope come down and saw Flare's henchmen reach down for the Victoria (a getaway?). As the man threw the her onto a boat, I saw a flash of purple and looked closely at the purple. It was near the front of the boat. By the wheel. I recognized it. Sophia's Espeon. Sophia was the getaway driver.

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