Never Have I Ever

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Ivory's POV

*** Nightmare ***

I wake up and find myself in my house. My old house that I shared with my parents before the fire incident. All of us survived but the house was in ruins and ashes were scattered everywhere. My old house. Perfectly back to normal before the fire.

I was in my own room, all four walls beautifully painted and colored a mint green color, my second favorite color. There was a huge window with my favorite reading area covered up with long, satin curtains. The window revealed our cherry blossom tree, that swayed gently through the spring breeze and the nest of bird Pokemon living there nestled in a hole inside the rough bark. The bright, yellow sun was shining and warming the faces of everyone.

My bed was a bunk bed, except for the bottom bunk. The bottom bunk was removed since I don't have any siblings and was soon transformed into my working area. By that, I meant a writing desk with a lamp, a stack full of important notes and documents from school, a vase overflowing to the brim with pens and pencils, and 2 bean bags laid next to one another as a break area. Everything was exactly as I had remembered it. It was so perfect, in fact, that I was kind of freaked out a little.

"Sweetie! Breakfast is ready!" My mother called out from the bottom of the stairs. I stopped examining my old room and turned towards the door. As if in slow motion, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mother was there, cooking fried eggs with bacon with a spatula, humming a tune to herself. She heard me coming and turned around, smiling when she saw me.

"Well? What are you doing just sitting there like a log? Dig in!" She laughed, passing over a steaming plate of food. My mouth watered as I sniffed and breathed in the scents and did as she told. My father came in the kitchen from his room and fixed his tie as he walked in. My mother sighed and went over to him and redid his tie for him.

"Thanks honey. Good morning princess!" My father exclaimed, ruffling my hair with his huge hand. I greeted him back in response. My mother prepared a similar plate for my father. This was our usual everyday routine before we all went to work/school. I looked out the kitchen window and I swear that I saw a pair of eyes staring right back at my emerald ones. The unknown face smirked through his mask and disappeared from my sight. I shrugged it off and continued eating.

I smelled a strange odor besides the food and sniffed it in deeply. Smells... Weird... By now, we had finished eating so we prepared to leave the house. Grabbing my kawaii Espeon backpack, I kissed my parents' cheeks. My parents had just smelled the strange odor and their eyes widened as they screamed out in unison,


The second they screamed, I watched the entire scene as my house burst into flames that were a mystifying orange-red color that danced and leapt along with the wind. I looked down at my arm and saw a smoking cloud floating from it. My flesh was burnt to a crisp and it stinged a lot. My parents had worse damage but we had the strength to walk to our neighbors and call the police.

*** Back to reality ***

Jonathan was the first one to wake up, surprisingly, and it turned out to be that I had slept all the way until noon. Jonathan was still reading his Wattpad fanfiction so he didn't notice me waking up. I playfully leaned over my bed and acted like a monkey for a while.

"What the?! Ivory, you scared the Arceus out of me!" Jonathan yelped back in surprise, swatting me away. I grinned widely, like the Cheshire Cat all the while.

"Did you have another nightmare?" I asked, breaking the silence. He nodded hesitantly and put his phone away for me to continue.

"A fire?" I prodded on. His eyebrows scrunched together, obviously perplexed, and shook his head no.

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