Was She Ever My Friend...?

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I couldn't help but let my mouth drop in astonishment. Sophia had always been my best friend... How could she do something like this to me? I was in total shock, and I must've portrayed it well enough that Jonathan took out a PokeBall that I've never seen in my life before. As he let out the Pokemon that was contained inside, I nearly fainted by the sight of the humongous creature. It was a legendary Kyogre. I've only read about myths and tales on this great creature and never have I seen one before.

"My grandfather gave it to me as a farewell present. Kyogre and him were pretty close." Jonathan quickly explained. Kyogre was quite huge and I figured that it would catch up to the boat really quick. We sped across the body of water and pretty soon, we found ourselves next to the boat itself. Sophia had the same reaction as me as she spotted the legendary Kyogre. Her eyes widened and she panicked. She whispered to her Espeon and Umbreon and they nodded frantically as they concentrated on creating a "safety bubble" that would protect Sophia as she dived into the blue water below. Knowing that Sophia is a daredevil, I knew that was going to happen. Before we left with Kyogre, I got Honey to stand next to me and use Vine Whip in case this happened. Thank Arceus I know Sophia well.

Sophia screamed as Honey pulled her back up onto the boat. She took out another PokeBall I've never seen in my life (Why is everyone keeping secrets from me? T^T). Out came another legend...

***Sorry I haven't updated lately *0* I'm just so busy with school these days but yesterday was the last day of school for me and I can't wait to start a new life at Midwood High School (YES, I NAMED THE MAIN CHARACTER'S HIGH SCHOOL AFTER THE HIGH SCHOOL I'M GOING TO) but I'm honestly gonna miss all my friends... Big shoutout to @sunnybunnysica for always being there for me and to my amazing class, 801 and #704 memories . HAVE A GREAT SUMMER AND GOOD LUCK IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIVES. I LOVE YOU ALL MY READERS! #LOVEWINS ❤ (YES I'M SUPPORTING THIS BECAUSE YESTERDAY WAS AN AMAZING DAY***

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