Dimension Syndrome?

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Ivory's POV

The next day, Jonathan was permitted to be released from the hospital, right when he woke up. The hospital had a cafeteria but it was quite cramped. It was a busy day today. We had decided to stay another day here in Lumiose City, since Jonathan was still in a weak condition. We had basically spent the entire day inside the Pokemon Center inside our room. Jonathan slept for a good amount of time. I was reading my favorite childhood book series, "The Callahan Cousins" and got bored pretty quickly. I groaned and sighed as I flopped up onto my fluffy pillow that was embroidered with cherry blossoms sewed onto it. Very Japanese style.

"Arceus~ Please save me from boredom." I prayed. Jonathan snorted and laughed. Startled, I looked down at the bottom bunk where Jonathan was sleeping. Sleeping isn't the term I should probably use. He was on his phone, scrolling through Wattpad, in search of interesting books that popped out to him.

"I though you were sleeping?" I asked, flinging myself off the top bunk and snuggling next to him. He grunted as I accidently stepped on his arm. Whoopsie.

"Can't sleep. I'd rather read on Wattpad. There's some good fanfictions here." He replied, shifting his body so I could read along with him. He was reading a fanfiction of Divergent and Pokemon mixed into one story. Eccentric stroyplot.

"How ya feeling?" I questioned, hugging him from behind. He felt warm and I breathed in his musky smell of Old Spice shampoo.

"Better. I could walk around the city if anything." He casually said, putting down his phone and looking at me, into my emerald-green eyes with his ocean-blue ones. He ruffled my ginger hair as I squealed and tousled his blond hair. This turned into a pillow fight which escalated out of hand. He accidently tossed a pillow at me, I was standing near the balcony and I dodged easily and we watched as his pillow fell down and made soft contact with the ground. People walking nearby stared up at us and examined the pillow. I laughed so hard that my stomach was having cramps and was interrupted by a soft knock on our door.

"Who is it?" I asked. There was no peephole and Arceus knows who could be on the other side of the door.

"It's me." A voice replied. A familiar voice that sent a chill up my spine. Sophia.

???'s POV

"How long?" I asked. I was seriously bored out of my mind.

"Not much..." Darkrai replied, putting his fingers to his temples, concentrating. Darkrai smiled in delight as he sent a nightmare to a child who was sleeping.

"I can't wait any longer! Can we at least capture the girl first? Then I can torture her and her Pokemon too." I giggled happily. Darkrai nodded in approval.

"I'll teleport her here. But first... How would you like to have her little friend give us some information first?" Darkrai pondered, tapping his fingers on his chin.

"That would be nice." I decided carefully. This was easier than I thought.

Ivory's POV

When I opened the door a tiny bit, I didn't see anyone. No one in the halls and no one by the door.

"Who was it?" Jonathan asked, looking up at me from his comfortable position.

"You heard the voice too right? I'm not just hearing things?"

"Well, yeah, I mean, I'm not deaf." He sarcastically replied.

"Okay, wow, this is creeping me out. Maybe a Ghost Pokemon with their trainer passed by just now."

"Mhm. Maybe."

"But I swear to Arceus that I thought it was Sophia."

"Dimension syndrome?"

"Eh. Whatever."

Our conversation ended right there and we continued reading the PokeGames book.

???'s POV

Darkrai had summoned upon us, a girl with a sapphire necklace. She nervously sweatdropped and twirled her necklace around.

"Where am I...?" She asked us. She didn't seem to be frightened, which was a first. Usually, people would go crazy about seeing Darkrai and me and faint.

"You are safe as of right now." I replied.

"We just want to ask some questions about a girl named Ivory Jennings." Darkrai added. The girl's face twisted and made a face at the name of Ivory. She suddenly bawled and I awkwardly offered a box of tissues. I'm usually compassionate. She reminded me of someone I used to love. Empathize on the word "used".

"So... What is your connection to this Ivory we speak of?" I questioned her when she finally seemed to get ahold of herself.

"We're best friends... But I did something horrible to her and now I regret everything!" She started to wail once again. The cries were piercing and I had to wince and cover my ears. Darkrai seemed unfazed. As usual.

"...What happened...?" Darkrai asked cautiously as the girl, Sophia it turned out to be, explained everything, not leaving a single detail out. I felt a little pity but brushed the feeling away. I couldn't feel pity for a puny human. No.

"We have everything we need. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Ivory with us. Since you have not tried to escape or made any difficulty for us to pry information out of you, we will safely teleport you back to where you were last." I happily stated. Sophia just nodded and waved at us. My eyes turned a bright blue as I teleported her away.

"Well. That wasn't hard at all." Darkrai was surprised.

"Now that we know about Ivory, let us begin the experiment."

Ivory's POV

That evening, I was restless and I kept on tossing and turning my covers. I groaned and jumped out of bed and went onto the PC. I booted it up with a simple button and browsed Wattpad for books. Might as well read until I get drowsy... I found an interesting book titled, "PokeDivergence" which was a mix of Pokemon and Divergent. Seemed like a good fanfiction so I read the first chapter and found myself snoozing.

The first two nightmares were the only nightmares I had as of now. The nightmares had subsided after the first two but tonight, they came back...

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