The Encounter

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Cocoa and I quickly exited the lab and stood stock still for a minute to readjust to the glare from the sun and looked around, looking for a place to buy items. As I looked around, I saw two people in red costumes deep in conversation and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. What? I'm weird like that.

"Hey, where's the fire stone that Trisha told you to get?" The man asked the woman, his companion. Clearly, they were going to evolve a Pokemon.

"She said that a girl named Ivory Jennings had it in her inventory." The woman said.

When I heard my name, I looked up and searched their faces. The woman was pretty with a perfect structure and her green eyes shined in the dazzling sun. The man was taller and had a scar running through his eyebrow and looked tough. Their outfits matched each other's to simulate a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but somehow looks familiar. Maybe from a club? I don't remember.

I thought about their conversation and remembered that I DID have a fire stone in my backpack. Which was at home. Whoops. I looked down at Cocoa and marched up to the couple and told them that I was Ivory Jennings and that I had the fire stone at home.

"Okay sweetie, can you get it for us?" The woman asked kindly smiling with her even white teeth. I was going to say yes, since I had no interest in it when suddenly, a shout burst through the crowd.

"Stop right there Team Flare! Leave the girl alone!" Shouted a boy who looks around my age and... who looks handsome too.

"Ugh! You again! Why can't you leave us alone!" Shrieked the woman.

"You'll have to battle us to stop us! Two versus two!" The man yelled, his face twisted in anger.

"But.. I'm not..." I tried to back out of the battle, considering I had absolutely no experience in battling.

"Don't worry about it sweet pea, I'll protect you and your cutie pie." The boy winked at me and I could feel my heart melting as Cocoa stared at me, head tilted, waiting for an order.

"Go! Houndour! Cried the woman.

"Go! Houndoom! Yelled the man in fury.

"Cocoa! I choose you!" I pointed to the battlefield and saw that a crowd was watching us, some even taking pictures! This made me furious, thinking that people were thinking that this was entertainment.

"Go! Froakie!" The boy next to me shouted as a blue frog hopped up to the battlefield. I suddenly remembered that this boy was one of the trainers from the lab. I smiled at him in relief, relieved that I knew him; well, almost.

"Cocoa! Use Tackle!" I told Cocoa and saw Cocoa nod as she dashed and tackled Houndour. I smiled when I saw Houndour pant, clinging onto life.

"Froakie! Use Water Gun on Houndoom!" The boy shouted while tossing his blond hair to the side. The Water Gun hit Houndoom right in the stomach and Houndoom shook his head and slowly tried to stand up.

"Houndour, use Ember on the Eevee." The woman calmly said. The Houndour made a flame as big as Cocoa's head. I gasp as the flame got closer and closer to Cocoa and I desperately cried, "Cocoa! Dodge it!" as she hopped out of the way, smirking.

Now, it was the Houndoom's turn. He smiled evilly and said, "Houndoom, use Flamethrower." and almost immediately, the Houndoom obeyed and shot a long stream of fire directly at Cocoa. This time, she wasn't lucky. The Flamethrower hit her hard on her front side and turned her creamy fur into singing black fur. Eevee made some kind of noise that almost sounded like a battle cry before she fainted.

I was crying a little as I returned her to her PokeBall.

"You fought an amazing battle Cocoa. Take a good rest." I sobbed. Now, it was up to Froakie.

"Froakie, Use Water Gun on Houndour this time!" The boy said, glancing at me nervously almost as if he was pitying me. Froakie shot a Water Gun at Houndour which made her faint.

"Grrr... Dennis! Destroy him!" Cried the woman, staring a death glare at the boy.

"Whatever. Houndoom, use Flamethrower." The man said. The Flamethrower was unsuccessful because Froakie dodged it expertly.

"Finish him with Tackle!" Shouted the boy as Froakie made Houndoom faint. The couple silently fled but rapidly as I stared at the boy, studying his face as he returned Froakie.

We smiled at each other and walked to the Pokemon Center to heal our Pokemon, talking the entire time.

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