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"Hey, Jonathan, where are you?!" I shouted into the thick trees. No answer again. Near by, a sign said, 'Santalune Forest'.

"Ugh! This forest is like a fricking maze! How can I get out?!" I yelled in anger. Cocoa and Honey were looking at me, worried. I smiled at them, trying to comfort them;that everything was alright but I couldn't calm myself.

"Eevee? Vee eve?" Questioned the two Eevees. I looked up at them with scrunched eyebrows, trying to understand what they were asking when I found them sniffing a moss-covered rock. I gasped.

"That's the rock that we need to evolve Honey!" I sputtered in surprise. They were absolutely pleased with themselves as I examined the rock further.

"When can we stop? I'm tired..." A voice from the trees, not to far from me whined. My eyes widened. It was the woman from Team Flare's voice. I frantically looked around for a place to hide. But there wasn't one.

"Hey! That's the girl from our battle before! The girl with the Eevee! Ivory Jennings!" She screamed, pointing at me with her perfectly manicured nails. I rolled my eyes. Duh, who else could it be?

"Heh, I'm gonna take you down kid, your little friend isn't with you anyway. This'll be easier than I thought." Dennis from Team Flare smirked.

"Hey girl." Jonathan's voice appeared next to me and I jumped in the air.

"Go! Houndour!" Said the woman as she threw out her PokeBall.

"Houndoom, get them." Dennis chirped happily.

"Fletchling! I choose you!" Jonathan said as a red bird Pokemon popped out. I stared at the new Pokemon and Jonathan caught my eye, grinning.

'So that's what he's been doing when I was lost!' I thought, returning the grin.

"Honey! Show them what you've got!" I yelled, pointing at the opponents. Honey jumped onto the field, looking calm but I noticed that she had strength in her eyes as I decided that evolving Honey into a Leafeon would be perfect for her.

"Honey, use Tackle on Houndour." I commanded. Honey of course, used Tackle as it resulted in damage.

"Fletchling, use Peck." Jonathan said, looking Houndoom straight in the eye. Fletchling obliged as he zoomed in for the hit and pecked at Houndoom that looked very painful to my eyes. I hissed through my teeth.

"Hey, Victoria, here." Dennis said, handing the woman, whose name was Victoria, a Potion. Victoria smiled in thanks and applied the Potion to her Houndour.

"Houndour, use Ember." Victoria said while the process of Ember was being administered. Honey eye's widened in dread but she used Quick Attack to dodge it and then attack Houndour.

Houndour fainted due to the violent damage and Victoria silently returned her Houndour.

"You won't get away with this! Houndour, use FlameThrower on Fletchling!" Dennis growled menacingly.

"Fletchling! Quickly dodge it and then use Peck again!" Jonathan shouted, directing Fletchling through the misty air. I couldn't help but close my eyes to relax with the misty air around me but I could hear Fletchling slice through the air and a smash as Fletchling pecked away furiously at Houndoom. I opened my eyes and saw an unconscious Houndoom.

"Grr... we'll get you soon!" Dennis spat out. I stuck my tongue out at him as they fled.

"Where in the world were you?! God, I was lost and I thought that you were hurt and.." I cried out nudging him with my elbow before he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"I was catching a Fletchling! I needed another Pokemon if we're going on this journey." He chuckled when he saw me blush scarlet.

"Hey... what's happening to Honey?" I asked, thankful for the distraction. I never blush. As expected, all eyes were on Honey as Honey started to turn all white.

"She's evolving!" Jonathan gasped, eyes wide with amazement. And he was right. Honey was evolving and the process was amazing! Her tail turned paper thin and she grew leaves everywhere!

"Leafeon!" Honey chirped out, excited by her new appearance. I gazed at her with newfound amazement. She did it! She evolved into a Leafeon! I was so happy that I jumped up into a tree... while Jonathan called me a monkey. Whatever.

Leafeon trailed behind us while Cocoa sat on my shoulder, which I guess is her customary seat.

"Race ya out!" I yelled, looking behind me. Jonathan was far behind and I laughed. Good bye forest! We're ready to take on the world!

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