We Talk to Giratina

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*** Back to reality ***

I awoke in a cold sweat and frantically looked around for Jonathan who was sleeping soundly next to me. I hugged him tightly, crying like I've never cried before in my life (I usually never cry because why would one sob over something so worthless when there were children starving in other places and natural disasters occurring?) and he woke with his eyes widened.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I, too, felt my eyelids feel like they were attached to weights and they felt sticky. I could obviously sleep a little longer but I had to make sure that the nightmare wasn't reality. Thank Arceus that it was just a nightmare.

"Another nightmare?"


"Don't worry about it. This place is just changing our minds to make us go crazy."

I grinned in relief. I thought I was the only one who thought that this dimension was meant to deposit us in a mental institution. We ate a quick breakfast of egg salad sandwiches and embarked onwards into the unknown. Stormo, now fully rested emitted a brighter source of light than he did last night. I guess a good night's sleep works wonders like it does in movies. Dusk, who had loved the dark and wandered around by himself while we were all sleeping and had found a wild Gengar to battle. Overnight, he had evolved into a beautiful Umbreon who looked similar to Sophia's Moonlight. I shuddered, just thinking about Sophia. I constantly worried about her still. Stormo and Dusk led the way, illuminating the darkness to the point where we can actually see what's ahead.

We didn't quite converse in, well, conversations just like yesterday. We were all still yawning and rubbing our eyes but continued anyway. The faster we found them, the faster we can figure out a way to get out of this place. If there even was an exit. It's not like there's a magical door with the sign saying "Exit" located on top in this dimension. Things weren't that easy. At least, not that easy so far.

Up ahead, I could see a figure. Two figures to be precise. Obviously it was Sophia and her Giratina. Neither seemed to be moving much, except for their chests shifting up and down. They were sleeping. I ran quietly to them and silently motioned for the others to come too. They followed suit after me and pretty soon, thanks to my athletic skills and Jonathan's, well, lazy skills, I got there first. Stormo was second, Dusk was third and Jonathan was obviously last.

"How... How do you do that?" Still panting, he wiped his brow, which was covered in sweat. Ew.

"It's called running." I rolled my eyes. Jonathan was always too lazy to come and join me for a morning run with my Pokemon we did everyday. Apparently the crack of dawn was "too early" for him. I would always ask him to come along but he just covered his face with his pillow and kept on snoring away.

Anyway, when we approached the two of them, they were still sleeping so that was a good sign. Wait. If we wanted to get out of this dimension... Couldn't we just use Giratina to transport us back? If it listens to us.

"Um... How are we supposed to wake a Legendary Pokemon without having it destroying us?" I slowly asked, weighing each word with significance.

"Oh! I got an idea! Stormo, use a weak ThunderShock on Giratina. NOT TOO STRONG THOUGH OR ELSE WE'LL GET DEMOLISHED!" Jonathan cried out, obviously proud by his brilliant plan. Stormo obeyed and I watched in interest as his fur spiked up and electricity crackled and snapped through his beautiful coat of the color of a bee. Except without the black. Stormo shocked Giratina and quickly backed away, knowing that Giratina is a powerful Pokemon who would finish him in one, single blow.

As soon as Giratina was shocked slightly, its eyes popped open and roared. In its annoyance at being disturbed from such a deep slumber, it used a Teleport move on one of us. Stormo acted quickly though and used a ThunderBolt on it. Somehow, Giratina used the Teleport move on Sophia. By now, Sophia was awake, clearly from the noise Giratina spewed out and her eyes widened as she disappeared out of our sight. Hopefully she was safe. Yes, I'm nice like that. Giratina, still enraged, turned to us now. I released my Pokemon, and realized that Jonathan did the same. We knew what the other was thinking. We don't want a battle; we want to have our Pokemon explain the situation to the beast.

Thank Arceus that Giratina is an understanding Pokemon. It conversed with Jonathan and I through the power of the mind (Don't ask me, I'm not an expert on Pokemon) which made me feel special for some reason. Here I was, having a conversation with a Legendary Pokemon! Who would've thought?

Apparently, Giratina encountered Sophia not that long ago and Sophia had bought a MasterBall recently and knowing the Sophia I know, she used the MasterBall to capture it. Sophia was a kind trainer but could be very bossy at times. It always depended on her mood. However, Giratina, being the kind soul it contains, transported us back into our dimension. It has to wait for Sophia to come back for it so it left us with a wave and a farewell and surprisingly also left us a message too.

"Beware. Anyone you know could be like a penny. Two-faced. There is no such thing as trust in this world. Now I wish you all the best and I bid you farewell." It had said. The strange thing? That message was only sent to me. Not Jonathan. I shrugged it off. It probably meant Sophia. Whatever.

That night at the Pokemon Center (We couldn't resist the urge to stay here for a warm meal and a hot shower!), my eyes were plastered open. I didn't sleep a wink for more than half the night. I kept thinking about what Giratina had said to me. I have a wisp of a thought that it meant Jonathan but no. It couldn't be. Brushing it off, I was finally able to sleep... Until another nightmare haunted me that very night. It was almost like being licked by a Ghastly but worse. I could almost feel my skin being pricked up and it was suddenly so cold. So very cold...


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