Santalune City~

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"Oh my God, yes! We're finally here!" I shouted happily as we defeated the trainers in the gym and finally made it to Viola.

"Ah! You two again! I see that you've made it through my 3 trainers." Viola exclaimed, wringing her hands in total joy.

"Yes Ma'am! And we're here to challenge you!" Jonathan stated, puffing his chest out in the air.

"I see. Okay, let's see... double battle?" Viola asked, laying out her PokeBalls in a perfect straight line on a table next to her.

"Yep!" We cried excitedly.

"Go! Honey!" I shouted, throwing Honey's PokeBall as Honey materialized in front of me.

"Fletchling! I choose you!" Jonathan commanded. I smiled at Jonathan. Viola is a bug- type gym leader so using Fletchling is perfect.

"Surskit and Vivillon! Come on out!" Viola took her PokeBalls from the table and threw them out expertly. I stared at her Pokemon. The Surskit is like a blue spider that looks like one of those water bugs that can glide over water. The Vivillon was stunning. Its wings were beautifully detailed and colored and it basically looked like a huge butterfly.

"Honey, use Vine Whip on Surskit." I yelled. Vine Whip should be able to do major damage on Surskit since it was a water/bug type. As Honey used Vine Whip, the Surskit glided away gracefully. I tried thinking of techniques to trap it but nothing came.

"Fletchling, use Peck."Jonathan said as Fletchling viciously pecked at Vivillon. Vivillon looked almost fainted which was no surprise. It should be able to do big damage since it was super effective.

"Surskit, use Bubble on Fletchling." Viola said as Surskit blew giant sized bubbles at Fletchling. Fletchling tried dodging but still got hit by a couple bubbles.

"Fletchling!" Jonathan cried out as Fletchling flew down to the ground.

"Vivillon, use Infestation!" Viola shouted as dozens of ants of some kind bit Honey. She screamed in terror as the little bugs bit through her leaves.

"Honey! Use Vine Whip on the bugs!" I cried, Honey whipping the bugs that resulted in only a couple bug bites. I sighed in relief.

"Fletchling, use Peck again." Jonathan said, Fletchling pecking away at Vivillon.

"Vivillon!" The butterfly cried out as she fainted. Viola returned Vivillon into her rightful PokeBall.

"Now it's my turn. Surskit, use Bubble on Fletchling!" Viola shouted with much confidence in her voice. Surskit blew out a stream of bubbles again at Fletchling who once again, couldn't manage to dodge. Of course, with the major type disadvantage, Fletchling had already pushed past its limit.

"Honey, use Vine Whip on the rocks around Surskit." I strategically said. The battlefield had rocks around anyway. My plot was to trap Surskit in the rocks. Honey looked at me like I was crazy but obliged anyway. She whipped a couple of rocks that were near Surskit. Surskit and Viola watched in wonder as they tried to understand my strategy. I smirked.

"Now, use your whips and pick up the rocks to throw them on Surskit." I stated. Honey gave a face full of strength as she picked up rocks and threw them at Surskit. She looked surprised. So surprised that she didn't even try to dodge. I smiled, knowing that my smart thinking was having the desired effect.

"Leaf! Leafeon!" Honey cried out as she trapped Surskit. Then, she repeatedly slapped Surskit with her leafy whips and seemed as if she was scolding Surskit. Surskit eventually fainted; Viola returned her as she walked slowly to me as if in a trance and put a cold weird shaped metal thingy into my hand.

"Here. This is the Bug Badge. It's a symbol of your victory here in this gym." Viola explained. I took it eagerly and studied it. It looked somewhat like a ladybug. It looked cute. Jonathan also had one too and it looked identical to mine.

"Thanks!" I chirped as we exited the gym into the warm brisk sunshine. I wiggled in happiness. Everything was going perfectly!

"Hey, wanna train on Route 22? They have some good trainers there and wild Pokemon." Jonathan said, obviously hoping I would say yes.

"Okay." I replied; nothing could ruin this day! And so we walked to Route 22 with a million thoughts in mind.

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