Team Flare brainwashes Sophia!

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I saw a flash of red hair that I immediately recognized. I couldn't believe it. My only other friend (besides Jonathan) whom I actually had faith in and thought was my true friend... I guess I was wrong. Now, Sophia's like those girls my mom warned me about. In Midwood High School, when I was still a junior, girls in the "popular clique" bullied me. I couldn't take it anymore and I did the only thing I felt like doing: drop out of school. I'm home-schooled now by my parents but I knew how different people can be. On the outside, they seem so kind but on the inside... Pure evil. Could Sophia be one of these people? I try not to think about it and take a deep breath of fresh air and silently listened to the gentle sway of the willow trees and the peaceful chirping of nearby Pidgeys. Jonathan placed a soothing hand on my shoulder and hugged me from behind; laying his chin on my head. He slowly rocked me, side to side, trying to calm me... It didn't work.

"When?" He asked, as if he could read my mind like a Mr.Mime.

"Now?" I asked, eyebrow raised curiously. He nodded in agreement and he sent out his Froakie, who's name is now Ocean while I sent out Bubbles. They yawned and played together for a while, using Water Gun on each other and watching dew drops gather on the grass. After we changed into swimwear (I'm wearing my new polka-dotted matching set!), we held tightly onto our Pokemon and ordered them to swim as swiftly as can and soon enough, we found ourselves gliding along the clear waters. Every once in a while, we would duck under the waves and just enjoy the quietness under the beautiful world of the sea. Pretty soon, we eventually caught up to the boat, which I figure was running out of fuel. It started to slow down and it made a gurgling sound that sounded unpleasant.

"Gosh darn it! I told you to fill up for fuel Victoria! But NOOO, you said that it was a waste of time! Now look!!" Dennis screamed, pointing fingers at Victoria who blushed sheepishly. She muttered to herself and walked purposefully to a room and slammed it. Dennis just stood there, putting his hands on his head and sighing. Victoria opened the door slightly and motioned for Dennis to come in. With no one around, we pulled ourselves up the boat and went by the door to eavesdrop.

"What do we do with her now?" I heard Victoria whispering to Dennis, obviously.

"Not much to do now. We just use her as bait. Her puny friends will come to fetch her." He replied gruffly as he walked to the door. Our eyes widened as we ran around, looking for a place to hide and once we found that there truly was no where one can hide, we simply dived into the ocean. Bubbles and Ocean made the impact of us falling into the waters less painful, as they used Water Gun from underneath us and lowered us down safely.

"Do you think that they're talking about Sophia? I didn't see her before on the boat..." Jonathan trailed off as I put up a finger, signalling him to shut up. Thank Arceus that he understood.

"Get out here. NOW." Victoria shouted, throwing something that mad a loud thump. I heard muffled screams that got me anxious. Could it really be...? I heard a sickening rip that sounded so painful that I gasped and had a little panic breakdown. What on Earth is happening?!

"You better shut up or we'll steal your Pokemon and make sure you'll never see them again." Dennis snarled menacingly that sounded more like a rabid Ursuring.

"SOMEBODY!! ANYBODY!! HELP ME!" A voice, that sounded so much like Sophia cried out. Apparently the hostage didn't take them for granted. I heard cages rattling with nervous whimpering noises, which I figured were the hostage's Pokemon. I peeked at the cages and nearly fainted by what I saw. Dennis was holding a long whip that scarlet stains coating it that looked so deadly that I shivered. Sophia was covered with bruises that I never noticed before and her 2 beloved Pokemon were caged up; both of them exhausted from trying to break free. These cages must be built to withstand Pokemon attacks because it was completely useless to try and escape.

"Aha!" Victoria squealed, clearly delighted at the sight of us. Not like that delightment when you see a jar of cookies at home. Like the delightment a bully gets when he sees another wounded student he has bullied for like what? The 50th time that day. Victoria bent down and whispered something that we all couldn't hear which infuriated me. I have no patience. Sophia's eyes which were so surprised that I wonder what could be happening. Victoria motioned her to get up and ripper off the tape that held her captive. Dennis, the closest one to the Pokemon cages unlocked the "jail" and her Pokemon bounced out. They growled and made threatening looks at the two of them and I watched as Sophia put her fingers to her temples and made a telepathic message to her Pokemon. Their looks changed from deadly to confused and then deadly again. But not at Team Flare. At Jonathan and me.

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